Being able to keep one's body safe:
Physical Safety
The limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships:
Personal Boundaries
This is a form of healthy communication that is a good way to avoid or reduce feelings of blame; this form of communication takes responsibility for one's own feeling while describing a problem.
"I feel _____when____."
"I" statements
"I hear you saying that you'd like me to help around the house more. You feel like I don't care when I leave dishes in the sink." this is an example of
Being safe with yourself, free of threats to your emotional well being:
Someone who has a difficult time saying no to the request of others may have:
Porous Boundaries
This is a form of health communication that uses your body language to SHOW someone you are listening to them
Active Listening
"I feel overwhelmed when you ask me to do a task for you as soon as I get home from work. I would like to have 15 minutes to adjust once I arrive home. Then I'd be happy to help with the chores."
I statement
Having the ability to make and sustain healthy relationships and be safe in social settings:
Social Safety
Someone who keeps others at a distance, has few close relationships, and is unlikely to ask for help is said to have:
Rigid Boundaries
This technique can help you be a better listener by repeating back what someone said to you, but in your own words
Someone asks you to watch their 5 year old triplets. Last time you watched them they were rowdy, disrespectful, and the parents picked them up 2 hours late. What is the most effective form of communication to use?
Having a system of values that are consistent, help guide behavior, and are based on a deep respect for self, others, and all living things:
Moral Safety
This type of boundary refers to how a person manages/shares their things or possessions. This might include money or belongings (cars, tools, clothing).
This type of Four Horseman Uses excuses and shifting of blame to deflect responsibilty for your own mistakes or behaviors
Instead of saying "YOU have no right to raise your voice at me!" you could say ________________ to be more effective:
"I'm uncomfortable when you raise your voice."
"Please do not raise your voice. I feel ____ when you yell."
Or any other form of "I" statement or assertive communication
Occupational Exploration, good financial management, and good health practices are examples of what type of safety?
Physical Safety
This refers to setting limits on your space and awareness of what is appropriate bodily interactions (hugging, shaking hands, kissing) and being able to keep others from invading your space
Physical Boundaries
This skill is the ANTIDOTE to the Horsemen that Shows anger, disgust, or hostility:
Sharing Fondness and Admiration
This communication skill sets a positive tone and helps resolve conflict:
Soft Startup