Legally going through an intersection.
What is a green light?
Flashing light when someone turns left.
What is a left turn signal?
You have a stop sign.
What is stopping and yelling to all traffic?
A red octagon
What is a stop sign?
Violation of stop sign/stoplight fine
what is $265?
Turning right but yielding to all traffic.
What is a red light?
Red light on a back of a car when someone slows down or stops.
what is a brake light?
Someone else has a stop sign.
What is you have the right away?
Sign, saying how fast to go
What is a speed limit sign?
Fine for 100 mph over the speed limit
What is $1150?
Stop if you can stop safely.
What is a yellow light?
A hand signal, when the hand is down.
What is breaking?
You make it to an always stop first
What is stopping then making your move first?
Yellow sign with people on it.
What is a crosswalk sign?
Find hire for ignoring the speed limit in two areas
What is construction zones and school zones?
You can turn left without yielding.
What is a left green arrow?
Arm, straight out when someone turns left.
What is left hand turn signal?
Someone else makes it to an always stop first.
What is stopping and yielding?
Yellow sign with a red sign in it.
What is stop ahead sign?
Fine for failing to listen to a school bus stop sign
What is $312?
Turn left while yielding to all traffic.
What is a flashing yellow arrow?
arm up, bent at the elbow when someone turns right.
What is turn right hand signal?
Traffic lights are not working
What is treat them like stop signs?
Brown colored sign when driving
What is recreational and culture interest site?
License suspension for 100 mph over the speed limit
what is 90 days?