What emotion makes the speaker rush through their speeches?
Why is it important to have facial expressions as a communication skill?
Because communication involves both verbal and nonverbal actions. Lack of facial expressions can cause the speaker to be misunderstood.
Name some common vocal interruptions.
You knowww...
What is Professor Black's favorite color?
Mindfullness+Communication= ?
Emotional Intelligence
What is the attitude of speaker toward their subject called?
What emotion is this emoji showing based off of the facial expression?
What can a speaker do instead of saying "uhm" or "like"?
Stop for a dramatic pause.
What was the first speaking exercise we did in front of the class?
YOU think that's funny
you THINK that's funny
you think THAT'S funny
you think that's FUNNY
Tone and Rate can often be indicators of the speakers nervousness or fear when in front of an audience. Name two things you can do to be in control of your tone and rate when presenting.
1. Take deep breaths
2. Be Grounded
3. Dramatic pause to collect your thoughts
In what situations do vocal interruptions become a distraction or take away from the speaker's message?
In formal settings such as speeches, business meetings and other professional situations.
When Professor Black gave an example of a personal narrative what hand gesture did she use as an attention grabber at the beginning of her speech when she said: "It was the worst news I had ever received"
She made a phone out of her hand and held it up to her ear.
Are attitude and tone the same?
No, the tone is the speakers voice, but the attitude is the mood of the speech.
Imagine, you are in a formal business meeting presenting a very important concept to 20 of the top executives in your business. Will interruptions like "uhm" and "like" have an impact on your presentation? If so, in what ways?
Yes, these interruptions make you sound unsure of the topic and take away credibility, as well as detract from the importance of the presentation.
What Mountain did Professor Black climb during our first week of classes?
The Swiss Alps
When your parent/guardian uses your middle name, what tone do they normally have?
Angry, annoyed, upset, mad...
You should probably run...
What is the most used vocal interruption in class?
What was the quote on the board on September 27, 2018?
"People may not remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel."
~Maya Angelou