Which do we use more to communicate: verbal or nonverbal communication?
Eating a pizza is a form of communication.
Telling someone you’re upset
Give three examples of nonverbal communication?
Gestures, eye contact, tone of voice, loudness of voice, style of dress, body language
What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication?
Verbal communication uses words and nonverbal communication does not.
Bonus: What do you use instead? (100 points)
Only verbal communication can be hurtful.
A Handshake
What are four parts of our body we use for nonverbal communication?
Eyes, ears, hands, shoulders, legs, mouth, feet
Explain why it’s important to pay attention to nonverbal communication
It's important to pay attention to nonverbal communication because nonverbal communication can sometimes express more than what a person is saying.
Sighing is a form of nonverbal communication.
A Gasp
Bonus: What does a gasp communicate? (100 pts.)
feeling impatent
What is body language?
Communicating nonverbally through gestures or movement
Give one verbal and one nonverbal example of how you would communicate that you are confused.
Verbal communication and nonverbal communication always match.
Answering a phone call
BONUS (what is that girl in the background thinking or feeling)
What are three nonverbal ways we communicate we are sad?
Tears, wiping or covering our eyes, slumped shoulders, frown, trembling lips
Give one example of when someone’s verbal and nonverbal communication don’t match.
Eye contact is a form of nonverbal communication.
What are three ways we can communicate with our eyes?
Eye contact, crying, winking, rolling our eyes, scrunching our eyes
Bonus: What's one way we use our eyes to communicate
we are listening? (100 pts)