Thinking Errors
Communication Styles
Communicating in the Real World
Communication Tidbits
Wild Cards
Define closed channel. 

Not being open to feedback from others, not willing to look at possibilities or options. 


Saying “You’re wrong, and here’s why!” is an example of _________ communication.


How can/should you respond to difficult feedback? Give 1 example. 

(answers may vary)


What is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand, feel and respond to the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of another person.


What artist painted Starry Night?

Vincent Van Gogh


List 5 thinking errors that can lead to excuse-making.

Change focus, denial, always right, grandiosity, manipulating, minimizing, perfectionism, playing dumb, justification, rationalization, just this once, tunnel vision, I'm unique, stubborn pride, ...


Roleplay a scenario where you would need to set boundaries using assertive communication (outside of treatment).

YAY roleplays!


Roleplay a scenario in AND out of treatment where you need to set boundaries. 



Nodding one's head, saying small comments such as "go on," and using eye contact one demonstrates what action?

Active listening

What is the capital of North Carolina?



Which thinking error is defined as "becoming upset because you think something that has happened to you is unfair, even if you're responsible for the outcome; believing that when things are unfair you are justified in your behaviors or are entitled to something"?

Fallacy of fairness


What is the difference between assertive communication and aggressive communication?

Assertive communication is being forthright about your wants and needs while still considering the rights, needs, and wants of others, while aggressive communication means that you do what is in your own best interest without regard for the rights, needs, feelings or desires of others. 


Give 3 phrases you can use to demonstrate empathy when someone shares something difficult with you. 

"Thank you for sharing that with me."

"I appreciate that you trusted me with something so personal."

"What can I do to help?"

"Help me understand..."

"Wow, that sounds so hard for you."

"Tell me more."

... etc. ...


What are 3 effects of gossiping and blaming?

Lack of trust within your community, hurt feelings, the real underlying issue goes unaddressed, no accountability, leads to excuse-making and lies, etc. 

Originally, Amazon only sold what kind of product?



What is intellectualizing?

Understanding principles or concepts in your mind, but not applying them in your behavior. Talking about emotional things in an intellectual way, rather than letting yourself feel the emotion (talking about things from your head and not your heart). Attempting to stay detached from your emotions.


Which communication style includes accepting or allowing what happens or what other do, without active response or resistance?

Passive communication. 


What are 3 other communication skills you can use to avoid lying or excuse-making?

Set boundaries, communicate assertively, apologize, excuse yourself without making excuses, tell only as much of the truth as is relevant, defer the conversation until you're prepared to face the issue, etc. 


What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. There are five key elements to EI: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.


What was the original purpose of the tiny pocket in jeans?

To store pocket watches


What's the difference between rationalization and justification?

Justification is telling yourself that what you just did is okay, while rationalization is about what you're about to do.


List 5 things you can do to communicate more assertively. 

Value yourself and your rights, identify your needs and wants, and ask for them to be satisfied, acknowledge that people are responsible for their own behavior, express uncomfortable thoughts and feelings in a healthy and positive manner, receive feedback openly, learn to say "no" when you need to, use "I" statements, express empathy, ask for more time to respond, prepare what you're going to say ahead of time.


Why do people like do gossip? Give 1 example of how you can address gossiping in your community.

(answers may vary)


What affect does lying have on your brain?

Lying rewires your brain! The more you lie, the more desensitized your amygdala becomes to it (your fear, anxiety, and emotional responses to lying). Lying gets easier the more you do it. 


What year was House of Hope (Provo) founded?

