In this Era
That's Greek to Me
Let's Get Medieval
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This is the name used by Trenholm for the current era of communication studies.
What is the contemporary period?
The most important figure in classical rhetoric, he literally wrote the book on it.
Who is Aristotle?
Training in communication during this period was primarily limited to these two important activities.
What is letter writing and preaching?
Understood as the use of systematic observation and experimentation to produce rational knowledge, this practice was the greatest contribution of the modern era.
What is science?
Contemporary scholars who study human societies and behavior using the scientific method are often called this two-word name.
What is social scientist?
This era is best know for popularizing empiricism and the scientific method.
What is the modern period?
These early versions of private speech teachers had a relaxed attitude toward the truth.
Who are the sophists?
This religious figure was the main unifying political force in Europe during this period.
Who is the Pope?
This approach to the study of communication popular during the modern era, tried to create a system of movements and nonverbal gestures to express particular emotions and ideas/
What is elocution?
While some scholars in the contemporary period treat communication as a social science, scholars who follow the rhetorical tradition treat it as this, (located on the right side of our "field of knowledge" continuum).
What is a humanity or an art?
This period begins with the Fall of Rome and ends with the Renaissance and is most noted for its contributions to the art of letter writing and preaching.
What is the medieval period?
This is the name given by Cicero to the five major subject areas dealing with speech written about during the classical period.
What are the Canons of Rhetoric?
Because of this political and economic system that dominated most of Europe at this time, the importance of good speaking skills among common people was significantly diminished when compared to its importance during ancient Greek democracy.
What is the feudal system? (Also, accept "system of kingdoms" "system of fiefdoms" or other close variations on the system in which common people were tied to the land under the control of the "noble" class.)
This thinker, best known saying "I think; therefore, I am," is credited with advancing empiricism, inductive reasoning, and the scientific method.
Who Rene' Descartes?
Speechwriters, public relations experts, counselors, advertising executives, and negotiators are all examples of these.
What are careers in communication?
During this period, humans first began to talk.
What is prehistory?
According to Aristotle these are the three main ways a speaker can be persuasive and prove their case.
What are ethos, pathos, and logos?
This religion's view on knowledge as revealed by God, greatly shaped people's approach to learning during this period.
What is Christianity?
This approach to studying communication, which is still a popular perspective on communication today, is focused on how humans learn and process information.
What is the psychological approach to the study of communication?
Before breaking away and forming their own "speech communication" departments, American speech teachers around 1900 CE were organized into this academic department, which was mostly focused on teaching literature.
What is English?
This period saw the creation of the first departments of speech communication in US universities.
What is the contemporary period?
This is one of the three main reasons that Athens was the home of one of the world's first organized and developed programs of study in communication.
What is their love for oral communication and discourse, their democratic form of government, and/or their laywer-less legal system?
He saw signs, like the smoke that came from fire, as natural signs, created by God.
Who is St. Augustine?
One of Francis Bacon's Four Idols, this Idol is characterized by misperceptions that result from our own personal biases and prejudices.
What is the Idol of the Cave?
This contemporary communication subfield focuses on communication within the context of a relationship between two people.
What is interpersonal communication?