Social Skills
Speaking Skills
Listening SKills
When I think about something in my head but don't say it out loud.
What is thought bubble
What is communication? A. using words to express a thought, feeling, or information B. Sharing or exchanging thoughts or information C. Hearing and understanding what someone is saying.
B. Sharing or exchanging thoughts or information.
When we use words to express a thought or information what are we doing?
What is Speaking.
Hearing AND understanding what someone is saying.
What is listening
Following directions is an example of what type of skill?
What is a listening skill
"Out loud words"- other people can hear hear them. Words tell people feelings and ideas.
What is Speech/talking bubble
Name at least 3 ways we communicate.
What is eye contact, body language, sign language, verbal communication (talking), written communication (writing), facial expressions, gestures
What does a good speaker do?
What is eye contact, appropriate body language (face listener), make sure listener understands may need to rephrase, appropriate loudness and pace
List 3 things you should not do as a listener.
What is (answers may vary) sleep, look away, talk, play on phone or game, yawn, slouch, etc....
a boy in your class is giving an oral presentation in front of the class. He is very nervous and is fumbling over his words. What might your thinking bubble be? What should your talking bubble be?
What is (answers will vary) Wow he is really nervous!!! I could tell you were nervous but don't worry you still did a good job.
T/F. My actions can affect the feelings of others. My behaviors (both expected and unexpected) can have an influence on how others feel.
What is True.
T/F. A communication breakdown occurs when the message is not understood.
What is True
What does the speaker do? (Regarding information)
What is sends information.
What does the listener do? (regarding information)
What is receives the information.
Give two examples of expected behaviors.
What is (answers will vary)... raise hand before talking in class, pay your bill, follow directions....
when I do things that are weird, my friends might feel strange, scared, bothered, or distracted.
What are Unexpected behaviors
There are two things needed in order to communicate? Hint: Types/jobs of person
What is Speaker and listener.
Look away, talk too loud or too slow, mumble, speak without pauses, use distracting facial expressions, gestures, body movements
What is Things the speaker should not do.
Ask for repetitions, nod your head, repeat the message back, ask questions, reduce distractions. eye contact.
What is things you should do as a listener.
Learning to determine what others are looking at, inference what their eye gaze may tell us about their thoughts, and to make "smart guesses" or predictions about their plans or intentions is... A. Think with our eyes. B. Brainstorm C. Make- up
What is A. Think with out eyes.
Helps us say and use actions that make people have good thoughts about us. A. social filter B. social thinking C. Social butterfly
What is A. Social Filter
What are the three main types of communication?
What is verbal, nonverbal, written
Define the term RATE as it relates to a speaker.
What is Rate is How we talk or the speed in which we talk (not too fast or too slow)
Name some distractions that could interfere with someone trying to listen.
What is TV, other people talking (lunch room, etc), background music, loud noises (cars, train, etc), ear buds, other activity going on in the room.
Mrs. Patterson assigns you to work with John for a group science project. John interrupts a lot and doesn't listen to your ideas. What might your thought bubble be? What should your speech bubble be?
What is answers will vary.... Argh he is so annoying, John can you please let me share my ideas too?!