Passive, aggressive, assertive, or passive aggressive
Body language
What style is most appropriate?
Changing aggressive statements to assertive
Role Play

When a person states their needs and wants clearly, appropriately, and respectfully 

What is assertive communication?


Andrew is trying to tell his mom about something that happened at school but she is looking down at her phone the entire time and does not make eye contact with him.  How does this make Andrew feel?

Andrew's mother is passive and distracted. She is not actively listening to what he has to say. Andrew might be feeling ignored, unimportant, and sad. 


You are working on a group project.  Both you and another group member have ideas that might be valuable to the group.

Assertive - It's most appropriate to speak up and share your ideas in a respectful way


You are ALWAYS late and keep me waiting.   It really makes me mad!

What is, "I feel frustrated and annoyed when we make plans and you are not ready at the time we agreed on"?


Someone cuts in front of you in line at school. 

Show a passive response.

A passive response might be to do and say nothing, to step aside, make excuses for their behavior, or apologize. 

"I'm sorry for being in the way"


When someone speaks in a loud & demanding voice, interrupts frequently, and criticizes, blames, or attack others.

What is aggressive communication?


Emma's mother reminds her to do her chores and she rolls her eyes.  What does this communicate to her mother?

What is annoyance or passive aggressive?  


A teacher is giving you a consequence for getting into a fist fight with a classmate.


It is most appropriate to listen respectfully without interrupting


"Mom, I don't every but me this again!"

What is, "Thank you for thinking of me but that isn't something I wanted."


A person in your group is making inappropriate jokes that are offensive to you. 

Show an assertive response.

This response should express your feelings/needs/rights etc. and be communicated in a firm and calm way. 

"I feel hurt by those jokes, and others might too. For us to have a good time it's important to be respectful of each other. I really like the jokes you made with the play on words!"


Your friend is failing Math and there is a very important test coming up.  Your friend asks to cheat off of you and you agree even though you are uncomfortable doing so.  What communication style is this?

What is passive communication?


Cory comes home from school and goes into her bedroom and slams the door loudly.  How might Cory be feeling?

What is angry or aggressive?


You and a friend are having a disagreement about a game you're playing.

Assertive - It's most appropriate to talk it out respectfully


"You always pick the worst movies to watch!"

What is: "Let's choose a movie we would both enjoy watching tonight"


Someone uses your favorite pen without asking.

Show an aggressive response. 

An aggressive response would violate safety rules. It is often an impulsive overreaction. You might shout, criticize, or make threats.


You find out a friend from school did not invite you to their birthday party, so you spread rumors about her. 

What is passive aggressive communication?


Michael holds the door for his neighbor who is holding heavy packages.  What is Michael communicating?

Michael is being assertive, polite, considerate, and respectful.


You are in a school where someone says something mean to you. 

Assertive - It is okay to stand up for yourself in a respectful and appropriate manner. 


To your teacher, "You only gave me a failing grade because you don't like my work!"

What is, "Can we talk about my report card grade?  I want to understand why I did so poorly and what I can do to improve my grade."


Your sister accidentally spills her drink on your important papers. 

Show an aggressive response.

An aggressive response would violate safety rules. It is often an impulsive overreaction. You might shout, criticize, or make threats. 

"You're so clumsy and now you've ruined everything! I'm going to get you for this!"


True or false: Communicating frequently in a passive manner can lower one's confidence and self-esteem.

What is true?


Emily is about to audition for the school play.  She taps her foot while she is waiting for her turn and realizes she is sweating.  Emily is feeling_____

What is passive, anxious, or nervous?


What communication styles have you used, give an example of all 4?

Assertive, Passive, Aggressive, and Passive Aggressive. 

"You NEVER let me go to my friend's house!"
What is, "I haven't seen my friend in a long time and I miss her.  Is there a good time for her to come over to our house or for me to go to her house?"

Your roommate keeps leaving their dirty dishes on the counters. 

Show a passive-aggressive response.

A passive-aggressive response might involve sarcasm, or sabotage. You might not say anything about the problem directly, but sabotage by putting the messy dishes in their room, or start doing other things to inconvenience them for revenge.  

"Don't worry. I'm not busy or anything. I enjoy cleaning up your mess."
