What Style?
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In which style of communication do people avoid expressing their feelings, rights, and/or needs? This often leads to difficult feelings building up until an eventual explosion- followed by shame/guilt.

Passive communication


Simon ran into Kaitlyn by mistake, knocking her down. Kaitlyn used a curse word and shouted, “You’re going to be sorry you ever did that!”. Her fists are clenched and she is ignores Simon’s apology. Which style of communication is Kaitlyn using?

Aggressive Communication. 





Which communication style is being described?

Aggressive communication


What was the original name for gummy bears?

Dancing Bears


In which style of communication do people express their feelings/opinion/needs in a way that violates the rights of others?

Aggressive Communication


When George took Andy's seat in class, Andy smiled and said "no problem" even though he was angry. Later, Andy purposely knocked over Georges things and told him it was an accident. 

Which style of communication is Andy using?

Passive-Aggressive communication. He made it seem like he was being kind and cooperative, but he actually used disruptive sabotage to "get even".


-Controlled and Calm


-Problem Solving

Which communication style is being described?

Assertive Communication


How many feet do snails have?



In which style of communication do people express their feelings/opinion/needs indirectly? This often shows the person acting out of anger in a subtle way or secretly. Their messages don’t usually reflect their actual thoughts.

Passive-Aggressive Communication


Arianna always backs out of plans last minute. Yesterday she missed a special dinner Jenna prepared for her, once again. Jenna said "I feel frustrated when we make plans and you don't follow through. If nothing changes, it will impact our relationship. Our friendship will be stronger if we use better communication.

What communication style is Jenna using? 

Assertive Communication. Jenna used an appropriate tone and volume. She expressed her feelings and expectations while being respectful to Arianna. 


-Poor Eye Contact and Slumped Posture

-Soft Spoken or Apologetic

-Avoids Self-Expression

Which communication style is being described? 

Passive Communication


What is the most populous country on earth?



In which style of communication do people clearly express their feelings/opinion/needs, and advocate for their rights while respecting the rights of others?

Assertive Communication


Tom's wife asks him if he would do the dishes after dinner. Tom rolls his eyes and says "Of course, I'd LOVE to do the dishes, even though I worked all day today. 

What communication style is Tom using?

Passive-Aggressive Communication



-Subtle Sabotage


Which communication style is being described?

Passive Aggressive Communication


Why do crackers have holes in them?

To prevent air bubbles


Use an assertive style of communication to respond:

The person behind you on the airplane is kicking your seat and you're feeling anxious and frustrated. 

Was your response firm but gentle?

Was it confident?

Did it violate anyone's safety?

Was it calm and respectful?


Jayden is bullied at school. He often lets it go and doesn’t say anything- and when he does he is usually the one apologizing. Today he is sent to the principal’s office for screaming at others. What style of communication best represents Jayden?

Passive Communication- remember, this style often leads to an outburst and then a return to being passive.


Which communication style is this person most likely using? List three reasons.

Aggressive communication. 

-Lacks personal space

-Pointing finger in a threatening way

-Scowling face

-Furrowed eyebrows

-Tightened mouth 

-Scrunched nose


Which planet in our Solar system has the longest day?

