Interpersonal Communication
Radio Communications
Report Writing
Report Writing II

being respectful when interacting with others and treating them in a dignified manner, regardless of their status, race, gender, appearanc, or behavior

What is Courtesy


three types of radio in corrections

What is the Handheld Radio, the Radio Base Station, the Mobile Radio


A conversation between a correctional officer and an interviewee (inmate, visitor) with the goal of obtaining factual information

What is Interview


Incident Report, Corrective Consultation, Disciplinary Report, Use of Force Report, Counts Form, Special Watch Form, and Equipment Check Form

What is Types of Reports


The checking of a report to ensure that all words are spelled correctly, punctuation is used accuratel, appropriate words are capitalize, and proper grammar is used. 

What is Proofreading


the exchange of ideas, messages, or information between two or more people through speaking, writing, or body language

What is Interpersonal Communication?


 FCC is the abbreviation of what

What is Federal Communications Commission


A permanent oral or written record of a person’s account of the event

What is a Statement


Grouping of recorded information into types of collection sources such as informants, victims, witnesses, suspects, weapons, rule violation, evidence, and crime element vs Grouping of recorded information by date and time of occurrence

Categorically vs Chronologically


Language used by a particular trade or profession that are not commonly understood by the general public 

What is Jargon


Maintaining eye contact, keeping an open mind, identifying key words that should alert you, asking questions for clarification or more information

What is the Elements of Active Listening?


Radio Codes

What is Signals, Phonetic-Alphabet, 10 or Numeric Codes, Numeric-Alpha Codes


Ask with a specific yes or no answer in mind. Ex.  “Have you read your rules and regulation?” Answer: “Yes” or “No”

What is a Closed-Ended Question


Gather information, Record facts, Organize facts, Write the Report, Evaluate the Report

What is The Five Basic Steps of Writing a Report


When I entered Bravo dormitory. inmate west, was having a Medical Emergency.

What is When I entered Bravo dormitory, Inmate West was having a medical emergency.


Sweating, clenched fists, arms down by the side, crossed arm and legs, avoiding eye contact, direct eye contact, frowning, or smiling

What is examples of Nonverbal Communication


Circuit that suppresses the output of a radio receiver if the signal strength falls below a certain level 

What is Squelch


”You removed the packet of candy from the canteen?” “How many inmates were present when you hit Inmate Jones on the head?” ”What happened next?” “Did you take the inmate’s shoes?”

What is Leading Questions, Forced-Choiced Questions, Open-Ended Question, Direct Questions


What should a report answer

What is Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why


Factual, Concise, Accurate, Clear, Grammatically and structurally Correct in Standard English, Legible, Timely, Complete

What is The Tips for Effective Report Writing 


Body language that projects confidence, poise, and a professional demeano.

What is Command Presence


Who prohibits everyone using radios from transmitting non-essential or excessive signals, using profanity, willfully damaging radios, and using radio communications systems for illegal or per business

What is the Federal Communications Commission 


Perspiration, flushed or pale skin, dry mouth, and an increased pulse rate or observable change in breathing rate

What is Physical Signs of Deception


Shows how something is related to another word or phrase and shows space, time, or logical relationship of an object to the rest of the sentence- above, near, at, by, after, with, from

What is Preposition


“Did you hear the inmate talk about starting the riot?” Answer: “Yes”. The interviewer asked an _______ question.

What is a Leading Question
