Full Registration Information on Driver
10-28 J2
What format do you read Call For Service (CFS) numbers?
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), and Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC)
Full Users of MULES must recertify how often?
2 years
10-50 J2 J3
How long are tuning fork certifications retained for?
3 years
What organ transplant service covers Laclede and Pulaski Counties?
Midwest Transplant
Wrecker Needed
The hours at which you notify a field technician of a "high temperature" alarm at a tower site.
2200 - 0600
How many hours of Annual Leave (AL) does an 11-year employee accrue per pay period?
6 hours
Terrorist Incident - Possible Match on Threat Screen Center (TSC)
10-37 J1
The primary backup troop for Troop I.
Troop C
Communications Operators should wait how long between each attempt to contact a unit on the radio?
15 - 30 seconds
Weather & Road Conditions
In an HP70 crash report, the train will always be listed as the _______ vehicle involved.
What SHP number is the form for Interdepartmental Correspondence?