The last Czar of Russia
Who was Nicholas II?
Capital of Russia
What is Moscow?
Symbol of the Soviet Union
What is scythe & hammer?
This event gave land to Germany
What is Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
Year Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue
When was 1492?
Dictator of USSR during WWII
Who was Stalin?
Name of the country currently at war with Russia
What is Ukraine?
System is which the gov't has complete control of pub/priv live
What is totalitarianism?
Communism conflict led to the creation of this
What is NATO?
Name of the character who says "I'm Ready!"
Leader who tries to balance state & private ownership of economy
Who is Xi Jinping?
Name of the country where Chinese Nationalists fled
What is Taiwan?
Combined small private farms into large gov't controlled farms
What is Collective Farming?
Ukrainian reactor that exploded releasing radiation into atmosphere
What was Chernobyl (Disaster)?
Miss Letteer's first name
What is "Caralie"?
Advocated for peasants, Founder of the People's Republic of China
Who was Mao Zedong?
Symbol of communism between East & West
What is the Berlin Wall?
Point of this was to control people and their actions through posters, news, other media
What is Propaganda/Censorship?
3 ways Nicholas II tried to Modernize Russia
What are foreign investments, ideas, and the Trans Siberian Railroad?
Name of the awards given out in The Office
What are "The Dundies"
Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, founder of the Russian Communist Party
Who was Lenin?
Place where protesters (mainly university students) gathered due to lack of freedoms
What is Tiananmen Square?
"All for one, and one for all" comes from this
What is Article 5 of NATO?
This failed because it lacked resources (metal), loss of animal population, 3 years of natural disasters
What is China's "Great Leap Forward"?
Lenin's 3 word phrase used to get people to join his group