The colors mixed to make all other colors are
Red Blue and Yellow Primary Colors
A mark made by a point moving across a surface
The lightness or darkness of a color
An area that has height and width
Name an element of art in this painting
Line, Shape, Form, Space, Color, Texture, Value
Colors made by mixing two primary colors
secondary colors or orange, purple, green
The area around, above, between, inside or below objects.
A gradual change from light to dark
An area that has height, width and depth
Which of these is NOT an element of Art line, texture, shape, rhythm, value, space
Another name for color
The section between the foreground and the background
Middle Ground
The way something feels or looks like it feels
Shapes found in nature
Organic Shapes
How do the elements of art help people understand art better
The elements of art are both fun and useful. Remember line, shape, form, space, texture, value and color. Knowing these elements will allow you to analyze, appreciate, write and chat about art, as well as being of help should you create art yourself.
Shows relationships between colors
Color Wheel
The objects that are farthest away from the viewer
The way something actually feels
Actual texture
Shapes that are mathematical
Geometric Shapes
How can you turn a shape into a form?
When you mix a primary and secondary color together you get
A tertiary color blue-green, red-violet, red-orange
the point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to converge.
Vanishing point
The way something looks like it feels
Implied texture
A 3 dimensional square is called a
What is the darkest pencil in your tool pouch?