Basic Necessities
Public Assistance
Mental Health Services

A place to get 3 pairs of outfits within the first 30 days of placement. 

What is Peggy's Attic


Helps with formula and basic nutritional food items for children ages 0-5 years. 

What is W.I.C 

You need emotional support, where can you turn to? 

What is Foster Kinship Support Groups. Offered online and in-person at Canyon Ridge Church. 24/7 support is available through our Closed Facebook Group - Nevada Kinship Caregiver - PW: Kinshipstrong. 


A place where you can get free clothing once month. 

What is Hannah's Closet. 


Provides a subsidy to help with child care. 

What is Urban League. Pays a portion towards childcare costs including Safe Key to working or permanently disabled caregivers.  


A service that offers a break to caregiver. 

What is Respite Program at Foster Kinship. We offer up to 4 hours in respite services per month to our caregivers to get their much deserved break. Contact 


A place for teen to obtain free clothing and haircuts. 

What is Project 150. Also known as Betty's Boutique.


Cash assistance for blood and Fic Kin caregivers.  

What is Child-Only TANF. Caregivers can apply through Welfare, will have to meet income guidelines (i.e. less than 275% poverty line, less an 10k in assets, comply with child support). 


Services to therapy for children.

What is Therapeutic Solutions. Provides in-home service if needed or in-office. Other services include Healthy Minds, and, FirstMed. 


Provides caregivers diapers for children ages 0-3. 

What is Baby's First Service - Open every Monday from 8am to 4pm. In order to receive assistance, you must make an appointment, have to apply and provide documents. 

Food for you household.
What is SNAP. Caregivers can apply through Welfare, have to be below the 125% poverty line. If you already receive SNAP, you can add your kinship child to your household. 

Services for child's behavior management. 

What is BoysTown. Provides in-home services. 


A non-profit that helps with free food and groceries to families and seniors. 

Just One Project -  (702) 462-2253 


Assistance to help pay for electric and gas bills

What is Energy Assistance Program. 


A program that offers parents and their children training to manage challenging behaviors such as, throwing things, spitting, and breaking things. 

What is DFS Parenting Project. The service provides training on Positive Parenting, ABC's of Parenting, and Baby Care Program. 


Child needs to be assess for additional needs due to not meeting developmental milestone. 

What is N.E.I.S and Child Find. 

Nevada Early Intervention Service (N.E.I.S) assess children ages 0-3. 

Child find assess children who may be behind in their intellectual development and not ready for a regular classroom or need extra help in learning. 
