Food Bank 101
2024 Hunger Facts
Food Insecurity
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Name a food item on the Most Needed Non-Perishable Food Item flier

What is: Peanut Butter, Oatmeal, Cereal, Granola Bars, Canned Tomato Products, Canned Tuna and Chicken, Canned Soups, Canned Veggies, Canned fruits, rice, pasta, beans, packaged nuts or seeds.


1 in (#) children and 1 in (#) adults face hunger in AZ

What is 1 in 7 and 10


Symptoms of Hunger

What is lightheaded, cranky or irritable, stomach pains or cramping, nauseous, low energy or tired, weak, shaky, lack of focus, anxious, fidgety, growling stomach, headache etc.


Name a volunteer opportunity 

What is production/packing, distribution, gardening/farming, professional and administrative, special events, Caridad Community Kitchen, Pop-Up Packing Events, Community Connector


True or False: GGRC has 2 SNAP navigators that assist clients with filling out applications for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and AHCCCS (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System)

What is True


5 counties served in Southern AZ

What is Cochise, Graham, Pima, Greenlee & Santa Cruz counties


How many local farmers and small scale growers does CFB work with

What is 70


True of False: Food insecurity leads to diet related illnesses

What is TRUE

Food insecurity can lead to Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. More than half the households the Feeding America network serves have at least one member living with high blood pressure and more than one-third have a member with diabetes.


Are volunteers needed more during the Holidays or in the Summer time

What is both


True or false: The GGRC offers clients utility assistance

What is false. THE GGRC does not offer utilitiy assistance to clients, but CFB can direct clients to other organizations who may be able to assist them with those needs


Name a program CFB offers 

What is The Commodity Senior Food Program (CSFP), The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), School Pantries, The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) etc.


How many Partner Agencies does CFB have

What is 400 (includes 250 food distribution partners)


Name a tough choice a person might make when facing hunger so they can eat

What is not paying for: medicine or going to the doctor. Paying things late utility bills, rent. walk instead of catching a cab. Eat pet food, eat expired food, eat watered-down food, fill up on cheap fatty foods, etc. 


$1 can help provide (x) meals 

4 meals, 8 meals, 12 meals

What is $1 can help provide 4 meals


True or False: GGRC also has 2 DES workers onsite that process the applications and expedite the approval process for our clients, often helping them get their SNAP benefit card during their appointment

What is true 


True or False: The world's first food bank originated in Arizona

What is TRUE. In 1967 St. Mary's Food Bank was established in Phoenix, AZ.


How many school pantries does CFB have

What is 33 sites serving 48k students


About (#)% of food produced, processed, and transported in the US is wasted and ends up in our landfills.

Is it 30%  40%  50%

What is 40%

Wasted food is a drain on our natural resources, our wallets, and our communities.


Name the three main ways you can partner with CFB 

What is host a food and fund drive, volunteer or donate money


True or false: the GGRC offers housing assistance 

What is false. THE GGRC does not offer housing assistance to clients, but CFB can direct clients to other organizations who may be able to assist them with those needs


Name of the national hunger relief organization

What is Feeding America 


How many volunteer hours were contributed last year

99,525     96,313     93,486

What is 93,486


Definition of food insecurity

What is not knowing where your next meal is coming from 


Can you donate an expired can of food to the food bank

What is yes. We accept cans up to 1 year past their expiration dates


True or False: only single income households rely on food banks

What is: False - CFB sees many 2 income households relying on our services. In fact, the majority of our clients all have jobs. 
