Where would you go to get your Minnesota ID or drivers license?
THE DMV, which stands for what?
What is the website we can use to help us navigate disability resources?
Disability Hub
The person on my team who will help me get a job is :
My vocational rehabilitation counselor (Voc Rehab for short). Our Voc Rehab Counselor's names is _____
The Amazon rainforest produces ___% of Earth's oxygen
What has many keys, but can't even open a single door?
A piano!
Where can you check out books, movies, games, etc?
The Library!
What is one example of a resource available for people with disabilities?
County social worker, voc rehab, special waivers/funding, etc.
The person on my team that will help me with housing, transportation, and funding for programs
My social worker
Your feet and hands contain more than __% of the bones in your body
What runs around the whole yard without moving?
A fence.
Where can you go if you need a check-up or lab test?
A hospital.
How do I get services with LeAnn Kleaver?
I need to sign up for her services
The person who will help teach me about employability skills, independent living skills, and career exploration
My teacher!
Camels have ____ eyelids (on each eye).
What has one head, one foot and four legs?
A bed.
Where can you go if you need to mail a package?
The post office!
How do I get a social worker?
I (with the help of a parent/guardian) apply for one through the county.
The person who should be making the decisions about my future
Your stomach turns _____ when you blush.
What can you catch, but not throw?
A cold.
Where can you go if you need to send a package to someone?
The post office.
What are some transportation options for people with disabilities?
MVTA Limited Mobility Program (Reduced fair bus), Kurtesy, Uber/Lyft, Metro Mobility
Are the teachers at BEST or Shelly (our work experience coordinator) in charge of getting us a job?
No! They can help us write our resume, looks for job opportunities, research career fields we are interested in, practice interview questions, discuss what to wear to an interview and how to get there, but it is up to YOU to apply, interview and get the job. Your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (and sometimes employment agency) can help support you in this.
_____ and human beings have very similar fingerprints. So similar, in fact, that they have confused crime scene investigators!
What question can you never answer yes to?
Are you asleep yet?