What do you have to write on the white boards when you use a washer or a dryer? Be Specific
Your Name
What location should you tell drivers to drop off your order?
Front Patio by the front desk entrance
What do you need to make sure happen before you leave campus on a pass?
Have a faculty member activate your pass
What time frame is Breakfast?
7:45am - 8:15am
True or False: Sweatpants are allowed during the school day.
What chemical have you been told to not spray on your laundry or used in the washing machine?
Should you ever let a food delivery person inside the building?
How far in advance should you put in a downtown pass?
1 hour
On what day of the week is there a dinner check in?
Where can you wear pajamas on a weekend.
Only on dorm
What days can Fleet and Old VA use the laundry rooms in Old Main
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
How far in advance should you put in an extended leave pass?
2 hours
What time do visiting hours end each night?
On dorm study hall, what do you need to put in your doorway if you are not a senior?
Cell Phone
To take care of the dryers. What needs to happen after every cycle.
Empty dryer lint
How early can you get food delivered on a Saturday or Sunday?
What is the maximum amount of time for a downtown pass?
3 hours
True or False: You need to be in your room for the night at 11pm for a soft lights out
True or false: free study hall must keep their doors all the way open if they are in their rooms during study hall
To protect the washers and dryers, as you put your clothes in the washer, what do you need to check.
Empty pockets
What time frame can you order food on Mondays - Thursdays?
4:00pm - 7:00pm
Who is the AOD, Dorm Parent, and Campus support on a usual Wednesday?
AOD: Mr. Coady
Dorm Parent: Mrs. Park
Campus Support: Mr. Raderman
What three things need to happen to be considered on time for Library Study Hall
1. In Seat
2. Working
3. Phone in door