Homeless Populations
Substance Abuse
Natural and Manmade Disasters

Veterans and military personnel sometimes avoid seeking formal healthcare services because they:

Don't want to appear as weak


What is chronically homeless?

A person has been homeless for extended or numerous periods and has substance use disorder


When administering Narcan nasal spray, how often can you repeat?

Every 2-3 minutes while the person is unconscious.


Which of the following best describes the typical perpetrator of sexual assault?

intimate or partner or family violence


Which of the following do terrorists hope to accomplish by causing mass destruction and violence toward innocent persons going about their daily lives?

create fear to intimidate and coerce to accomplish a political goal


According to Neis & McEwan textbook Veterans who served in active duty for 24 consecutive months or full period of call (for Reserves or Guard) are eligible for:

VA benefits


Which of the following best describes the problem with the Section 8 housing program?

supply is less than demand


All of the following are symptoms of an opioid overdose except

Rapid heart beat and dilated pupils


Included in a dating violence prevention program presentation to college students, it would be important that the nurse advise the students that they will be able to detect a strange odor and change of color in their beverage if a date rape drug had been added to their drink.



A man walked to the staging area after an earthquake crying that he was hurt. A triage nurse noted he had cuts, abrasions, and a fractured arm. Which of the following actions should be taken next?

Put a yellow tag on his shirt and he can get in line to wait his turn for medical treatment


Research shows that suicide is highest among veterans who experienced:

sexual trauma and ptsd


The Housing Choice Voucher program assists which groups of individuals rent decent, safe, and sanitary housing units in the private market?

low income families and the elderly


Which of the following age groups has the highest prevalence of binge drinking and heavy drinking?

young adults 18-25


A 6-month-old infant was brought in unresponsive by both parents. X-ray examination showed evidence of shaken baby syndrome. Which of the following persons is most likely responsible?

Mom or Dad


Using the START system to assess victims of a disaster, which of the following steps should the nurse take first when triaging a victim?

assess respirations


Exposure to herbicides used to kill vegetation that provided cover to the enemy was common during veterans from which war?



One of the strategies used by the federal agency, Housing of Urban Development to strengthen the nations efforts to reduce homelessness by collecting prevalence data is called

continuum of care/point in time count


Which of the following is the most commonly used illegal mood-altering substance?



In the Power and Control Wheel developed by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, what is a way of using power to control in an abusive relationship?

Monitoring who she sees, talks to, where she goes and what she reads


Senior nursing students were asked to participate in their University’s Disaster Management Team. One of their tasks was to research and create a list of all the information needed for the team’s resource map. What information would be included on this list?

hospitals, healthcare agencies and nearby shelters


The most common substance use disorders among veterans are:

tobacco and binge drinking


Which of the following best describes the work of Operation Safety Net?

Healthcare for the homeless.


Which one of the following federal agencies builds and sustains programs, policies, information and data, with the intent of helping the nation promote behavioral treatment of substance abuse through all levels of prevention?



When considering how the largest percentage of homicides are committed, which one of the following interventions would be considered a primary prevention intervention?

advocation for legislation for background checks for gun licensing


Creating a risk map, educating the public about what actions to take in a disaster, and educating health care providers to recognize the signs and symptoms of biological and chemical agents are tasks that occur in which stage of disaster planning?

prevention stage
