Miscellaneous 1
Communicable Disease/Other
Miscellaneous 2

The individual who pioneered the documentation standards for nursing identified the effectiveness of handwashing in preventing illness and gathered evidence during the Crimean War to support our modern hygiene practices. Who is this individual? 

Who is Florence Nightingale?


The nurse understands that the well-being of her client and their connection to the mind, body, and spirit is called this term. What is the name of the term?

What is Health ?


Before administering a Rubella in the immunization clinic, the nurse asks the patient if she is pregnant, does she has any immunocompromising illnesses, and if she has ever had a reaction to any immunizations prior to this visit. Why would the nurse ask these questions?

What are Vaccine Contraindications? 

** Rubella is a live virus vaccine that can be detrimental to a fetus if administered to a pregnant woman, and so can administering a live virus vaccine to someone who is immunocompromised. Also, you do not want to administer a vaccine to someone who has had a reaction to a vaccine without clarifying what type of reaction (anaphylactic reaction)


An estimate of body fat and a good gauge of your risk for diseases that can occur with more body fat. The appropriate range is 18.5-24.9. What is the name of this teerm?

What is the normal range for Body Mass Index (BMI)?

***If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obese range.  


The nurse provides an educational offering to the community clinic on smoking cessation. What is the level of prevention that the nurse is providing?

What is Primary Prevention?


The infectious disease nurse received a report that indicated that there were 500 new cases of Covid-19 cases for the month of November. What term is this explanation referring to? 

What is an Incidence(Incidence rate)? 


The patient arrived at the clinic for her  Blood Pressure Screening. What level of prevention is being displayed in this example. 

What is Secondary Prevention?


A parent brings their 5-month-old child to the clinic for an influenza vaccine. The nurse spoke with the parent and rescheduled the appointment for one month. What was the rationale for the nurse rescheduling the appointment?    

What are Influenza Vaccine Requirements? 

**The influenza vaccine can be administered to a patient starting at the age of 6 months old.


The non-medical factors influencing health outcomes include healthcare access and equity, educational access and equality, social and community context, economic stability, and neighborhood and built environments. What term are we referring to?

What are the Social Determinants of Health?


The nurse explains to the patient's family that he will he will need outpatient support following this hospitalization related to his mental health disorder/crisis. What is the level of prevention?    

What is Tertiary Level of Prevention?


The epidemiologist is following a study where the researcher recruited a group of healthy participants, all of whom were free of breast cancer at the beginning of the study. Then, she collected data on the patient's physical activity and other lifestyle factors over a long period of time, tracking incidences of breast cancer.  What type of study did the researcher conduct?

What is a Prospective Study?

**Prospective studies monitor disease-free individuals to determine whether and when a disease occurs.


The Nurse understands that to complete a community assessment, you must first collect data, and then identify the social functions and economic conditions that influence the population's health in a specific community. What data collection method will the nurse use to complete this assessment? 

What is a Windshield Survey?

The immunization nurse received a call from a parent who had an appointment in the clinic earlier. The client's mother stated that her child had mild swelling, redness, and pain at the child's injection site. What advice might the nurse provide her for this issue?

What is a cool/cold compress/icepack?


The appropriate handwashing, the use of hot water when washing dishes, and using separate cutting boards when prepping meats and vegetables for a mal is considered to be practice. What is another term that could be utilized for these practices? 

What is Food Safety?


The nurse understands that in order to complete this type of assessment you must identify the aggregate for the assessment, engage the community in the planning of the assessment, develop a questionnaire or interview questions, identify the needs suggested by the data, and select the method of data collection. What type of assessment is the nurse conducting?  

What are the components of a Community Needs Assessment?


In a research article, a nurse noted that the researcher identified a group of people who smoked and a group who never smoked and then looked back at medical records to see how the rate of lung cancer differs between the two groups. What type of study was the researcher conducting? 

What is a Retrospective Study? 

** A study that compares individuals with a particular disease or condition and those who do not have the disease.


The nurse is preparing for the development of a health promotional program, and her supervisor stated that the program should be made available for all, affordable, accessible, and appropriate for that population. Why did the supervisor state this? 

What are the requirements for a health program in an area? 


The nurse provided the Smith family with education on nutrition which is representative of which level of prevention? 

What is Primary Level Prevention? 


The nurse recognizes that Mr. James' appointment for his Prostate Screening represents which level of prevention?

What is Secondary Level Prevention?


The nurse is completing a Community Assessment but understands that collecting the assessment data is the first step. So, she started researching vital statistics and health resources in the area. She also completed a survey. What was the nurse's rationale for completing the data collection in this manner?

What the Community Assessment Data should include? 


The nurse understands that when a person comes to the hospital with respiratory symptoms, the causes of this disease may be diverse. Therefore, shortness of breath may indicate an underlying illness, and the doctor must assess all the risk factors the patient has been exposed to.

What is the Web of Causation Model?

**This model illustrates the complexity of relationships among causal variables for disease.


The nurse is speaking with Mr. Jones, who is a smoker who stated "It's easy to say you'll quit smoking, but I'm doing something about it. I haven't smoked a cigarette in four months". What stage of the Transtheoretical theory is represented by Mr. Jones statement? 

What is the Action Stage?  

**The Transtheoretical Theory is when behavior changes occur over time, progressing through a sequence of stages. Actual implementation of change by the client. It includes these five stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.  


The nurse is providing an educational offering to the clients in the influenza clinic. She understands that individuals who do not think they will get the flu are less likely to get the influenza vaccine yearly. What Health Promotional Model/Theory is the nurse adhering to? 

What is the Health Belief Model?

**The Health Belief Model proposes that people are most likely to take preventative action if they perceive the threat of a health risk to be serious if they feel they are personally susceptible, and if there are fewer costs than benefits to engaging in it.


Teaching a new patient how to administer insulin represents which level of prevention?

What is Tertiary Level of Prevention? 


 These provisions require you to be a  U.S. citizen. You must have health insurance, and there is a reduction in family expenses by capping out-of-pocket expenses and prohibiting insurance companies from denying coverage because of pre-existing medical conditions. What is the name of the term?

What are the Affordable Care Act Provisions?
