Implementation of a vaccination program for influenza
What is primary prevention
What is a pandemic
health care access, neighborhood, economic stability, education, community/social context
What are the Social Determinants of Health
physical, contact, droplet, airborne
what is mode of transmission
Deliberate release of a bioagent in the environment
What is bioterrorism
Mammograms, blood pressure, blood glucose testing
Screening programs - examples of secondary prevention
Disease that exceeds normal expectations
What is an epidemic
obtaining, processing and understanding health information
immunity that is present in a group - for example kindergarten students
Herd immunity
An infection agent is carried by an insect or animal
What is vector transmission
Cardiac Rehab and physical therapy
Examples of tertiary prevention
A disease that is endemic to a particular community
What is a community
Time between exposure and onset of symtpoms
What is incubation
Examples of primary data collection
Goal to improve the patient to the highest level of functioning
Tertiary Prevention activities
New cases of a disease in a population
What is incidence
Framework that defines the scope of public health nursing practice and describes the practice of public health nursing at the individual, community or systems level
What is The Minnesota Intervention Wheel
result of exposure to an infectious agent
What is acquired immunity
Environmental exposure assessment tool
What is the IPREPARE
Modifying existing risk factors
Primary prevention
Host, environment and agent
What are the components of the epidemiological triangle
A group of people that are considered as a whole and are loosely associated
What is an Aggregate
HIV, TB, Malaria, Pneumonia
The relative incidence of a disease in a population
What is morbidity