What is this sign?
Stop Sign
Name this place!
Dunkin Donuts
How much is this?
1 dollar
What should you do before eating a meal?
Wash your hands with soap! Germs on your hands can get on your food and make you sick.
Name this song!
WHERE do you see this sign?
Public bathrooms
Name this place!
Bus stop
How much is this?
A quarter or 25 cents
Should you leave the house without telling parents?
No. Inform parent and ask for help if you need to leave the house.
Which disney movie is this disney princess from?
Princess Jasmin from Aladdin.
Which sign tells you that it is safe to cross the road?
Green man
What can you find at this place?
Vegetables, fruits, snacks, pantry goods, toilet paper etc....
What is the total value?
$10 + $5 +$1 = $16
What might happen if you leave a kitchen towel lying next to the stove while you are cooking something.
The towel may catch fire.Place flammable objects (e.g., paper, towel) away from.
What activity is this?
Knitting. Who likes knit? What other activities do you like to do?
What should you do when you see this sign?
Walk carefully. Hold on to something or someone for support
Where can you go to if you would like to have a picnic?
How much is a big mac?
What should you do if you are walking in the park and someone comes up to you to ask you for money.
Say no and walk away or let an adult know.
What ingredients do you need to bake cookies?
Flour, chocolate chips, sugar, butter, eggs, water
What does this sign mean? Where do you see it?
You can leave/exit through the door. Above doors in buildings (e.g., workshop).
In which US state can you find the statue of liberty?
New York
I have $2. What can I buy?
Hamburger, cheese burger, salad, or ice cream
When you are out in the community, where do you keep your money to make sure that it is safe.
In your pocket, wallet, or purse.
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Find out what a friend's favorite pizza topping is!