Groups/Group Room
True or False
Miscellaneous 2

All clients are required to attend all group sessions unless _____.

Given a medical lay-in. 


It is against the Residential policy to not shower daily. 

True. Clients are expected to practice healthy hygiene on a daily basis, including showering. 


Cigarettes, vapes, and lighters are not permitted to be in my _____ or in my ______. 

Pocket or bedroom (on your person/in your possession.)


Treat all staff and peers with _____ and dignity. 

Respect. Do not use discriminatory language towards each other (ie racial, homophobic, religious slurs, etc).


Bill Billberg feels that his Case Manager spoke to him in an inappropriate manner and feels that his rights are being violated. Bill has the right to _____ __ _______.

File a grievance.


At what time of the day am I permitted to eat a snack in the group room?

NEVER. Only water is allowed in the group room at all times.


Nurse Deb can approve of my sponsor coming to visit after I sign the binder. 

False. Clinical Staff (not medical or the techs) are the only staff who can approve sponsor visits, phone calls, and store sign-ups.


When are sponsors allowed to visit?

Saturdays from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM/ 


I am not permitted to wear ______, ____ ____, or ____-____ ____ without socks during the day.

I am not permitted to wear pajamas, tank tops, or open-toed shoes without socks during the day.


John Johnson was caught fraternizing with a convent client. What are some of the possible consequences of his actions?

Pull-up, behavior contract, last chance contract, fraternization contract, unsuccessful discharge (depending on how extreme the fraternizing was)


What are you supposed to say when you receive a pull-up?

"Thank you for making me aware." Do not disagree, do not argue. If you believe that the pull-up is unfair, speak with your counselor.


When I go to the store, I can buy the unit a pack of pop and a pack of pop for myself. 

False. Any and ALL food/drink items bought at the store must be for the entire unit.


I am not permitted to go on any appointments while being in Residential unless it is a _____ ________. 

Medical emergency such as an infection that needed immediate treatment. The Nurse Practitioner must approve of any appointments you attend while in Residential. 


Threats and/or violence towards peers and/or staff can result in a ________ _________.

Automatic discharge. 


Harriet Harrietson is watching Grey's Anatomy after lunch. Is she permitted to do this?

No. Programming hours last until 4:30 PM. ONly the news, sports, or APPROPRIATE nature shows can be plated during program hours. 


I will not coin-out if I have not completed my ____.

Good-Bye Letter.


If I see my family dropping off a package for me at central intake, I can go hug them as long as I ask the Tech first. 



Why does staff tell clients to not share cigarettes?

FOR SOME, it can be very hard to set boundaries and say NO once a peer starts asking for cigs repeatedly. Also, some are working on their people-pleasing behaviors. 


I am not allowed to ____ during One House.

Pass. Find something from the meditation and/or prayer that you can identify with.


William Williamson fell asleep during check-ins. What is the consequence of falling asleep in group?

Williamson will lose a mind boost w/ a smoke break. If he does not smoke then the facilitator will find something to take away. 


I can use my contingency coins as a wager to bet on sports games with my peers.

False. I am not permitted to lend, borrow, barter, trade, gamble, etc. with contingency coins, money, cigarettes, chores, so on and so forth. 


What are the consequences of being caught smoking after meals?

I will lose my next mind boost w/ a smoke break. If I'm caught a second time, I will lose my smoking privileges until after the next meal time. If I get caught a third time, I will lose my smoking privileges for two entire meal times. 
