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Super Catholics

In the Lord of the Rings series, this Hobbit is tasked with the delivery and destruction of the ring in Mordor

Who is Frodo Baggins


This man, known for the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire, has a namesake play by William Shakespeare, in which he utters the famous line "Et tu, Brutus?"

Who is Julius Caesar 


This actor, referred to as a "Hollywood Superhunk" in the TV show The Simpsons, is known for his portrayal of Ethan Hunt in the Mission Impossible movies and Maverick in Top Gun

Who is Tom Cruise


This city, situated on the border between Canada and the United States, was founded by French explorer Antoine Cadillac as a major Fur Trading post, is known as the Motor City, and at one time was the fourth largest city in the United States as well as one of the largest manufacturing hubs in the world

What is Detroit


This man, known for his role in bringing down the Soviet Union alongside Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, served as Pope from 1978 until his death in 2005, holds the title of both Pope and Saint

Who is Pope St. John Paul II


The rebels must quickly evacuate their hidden base on this treacherous ice planet in Star Wars

What is Hoth


This French-Polish chemist discovered radiation and did groundbreaking research on it alongside her husband, and today has a unit of radiation named after her

Who is Marie Curie


This actor, known for other films such as Tropic Thunder and Oppenheimer, plays the character Tony Stark in the Avengers series

Who is Robert Downey Jr.


This city, founded in 1630 by puritan settlers, saw a lot of action in the Revolutionary War, such as the Battle of Bunker Hill and the namesake tea party, is the largest in New England today, boasting the 8th largest metropolitan area GDP in the United States, is home to over 50 prestigious colleges and institutions, and hosts many historical sites like the freedom trail

What is Boston


This woman, an Albanian-Indian nun known for her great acts of charity and personal sacrifice, served the "poorest of the poor" in Calcutta, India until her death in 1997

Who is St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)


In the movie Captain America Civil War this region of Russia is home to the Hydra base which held Hydra super soldiers

What is Siberia


This woman was the last to reign as queen before the French Revolution, having uttered the famous line "Let them eat cake"

Who is Marie Antoinette 


This actor, known for both his roles as Jim Halpert on the popular comedy The Office as well as his role as Jack Ryan in the Prime Video series Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, married British actress Emily Blunt in 2010

Who is John Krasinsky


This city served as the site of the final battle of the revolutionary war as well as the capital of the United States until 1790

What is New York City


This actor, known for movies like Step Brothers and Uncharted, is very open about his Catholic Faith, using the phrase "Stay Prayed Up" often on his social media accounts, and has collaborated with the Catholic prayer app several times, most notably as a host of their popular "Pray 40" Lenten challenge

Who is Mark Wahlberg

Ryan Reynolds played the title superhero who can move and create things with his mind in this 2011 movie

What is Green Lantern


This man, born in New York in 1837 is the only president to have married while serving as president, and is the only person aside from Donald Trump to have served two nonconsecutive terms in the Oval Office

Who is Grover Cleveland 


This woman, married to Colin Jost of SNL, was the highest paid actress in Hollywood from 2018-2019 and is best known for her portrayal of Black Widow in the Avengers movies

Who is Scarlett Johansson


This is city, boasting such skyscrapers as Trump Tower and the Sears tower, is the third largest in the United States

What is Chicago


This man, the author of Hillbilly Elegy, was born and raised in Ohio, later becoming one of its senators in January of 2023, converted to Catholicism in August 2019, and remains one of the most openly Catholic politicians in the United States

Who is J.D. Vance

In Star Wars: The Clone Wars Obi Wan Kenobi watched this character, the queen of Mandalore, and his love interest, die at the hands of Darth Maul

Who is Satine Kryze


This man was Abraham Lincoln's opponent in the election of 1860, conducting many famous debates with him, and was known for his lenient stance on slavery

Who is Stephen Douglas

This actor, known for roles both in the TV show Severance and the sitcom Parks and Recreation, also hosted the game show Don't in 2020

Who is Adam Scott


This city, founded in 1857 by 50 German families, sits about 40 minutes southeast of LA and is the home to Disneyland

What is Anaheim

This man, born in Spain, who founded a namesake monastic order, is credited with popularizing the Rosary while fighting the Albigensian heresy and remains one of the most influential Catholics of all time

Who is St. Dominic
