What can you do if you feel like you are in an unsafe situation?
Talk to a staff member about it.
Why is it important to pay attention to street signs in the community?
to keep us safe
Would telling a stranger where you live be giving too much information?
Is it safe to run around inside of the building?
What is one thing that might happen if you don't keep your body under control while walking on the sidewalk?
You might run into someone or hit them by accident.
List 3 examples of safe strangers.
firemen, policemen, librarians, bankers, people working at stores, people working at the Y
What do you do if someone asks for your email address so they can get information to you about something?
If you know what the information is about and want it, you can say yes. If you don't know what the information is about and don't want it, say no.
If someone asks for a friend's email address that you have is it ok to give it out?
No. You need to ask before giving out someone else's information.
What rules that we have at TAP that make you feel safe?
Answers vary.
Someone just came up to you and asked you for help with driving directions, what do you do?
Say no.
What information should be kept offline, and off of all social media profiles?
Passwords, Addresses, Money Information, phone numbers, School names, or any family member's information.
It is always good to know where you are incase you ever get lost. What town and state is this TAP program located in?
Norton, Massachusetts!
Pay attention to your surroundings.
Walk on the side of the road where you are facing the oncoming cars, so that you can see when they're coming.
stay as far to the side of the road as you can.
Why can it be dangerous to talk to strangers?
You do not know the person's personality, or anything about them. There is no way of knowing if they are a safe stranger or not.
If you are in the community and a stranger won't leave you alone, what can you do?
Move to an area with lots of people; inform the staff and/or guardian(s) who are with you; etc.
How much information is it safe to share with friends?
As much information that you are comfortable with sharing with them! There is no write or wrong answer to this question!!
List 2 ways that we can protect our skin from the sun as we get closer to Summer?
Cover up your skin