Navigating Community
Unfamiliar Situations
Private and personal information/ Internet safety
Getting help

Name 2 different things to remember when safely crossing a street.

Look both ways, cross only when the 'walk' sign is lit, walk single file, wait until cars are stopped, wait until driver of the car waves you on, use crosswalks, stop and look both ways.

What is a stranger?
Someone you don't know.
Why might a stranger approach you in the community?
Ask for money, directions, information, want to talk to you about something.
Is telling someone your first and last name an example of sharing private information?

Who comes in an emergency if you call 911?

Police or Fire department or Ambulance


Why is it important to pay attention to street signs in the community?

to keep us safe


What is a reason you might have to talk to a stranger?

Ask for directions, get help, if you're at a store.

What is one thing you can always say to someone if you don't want to give them your money or time?
No or No, thank you

Would telling a stranger where you live be giving too much information?



What should you do if you find an animal outside that is hurt?

Don't call 911

Don't go near the animal

Call animal control or the humane society


Why do you need to keep your phone put away when you are walking on the sidewalk?

You might run into someone or hit them


List 3 examples of safer strangers.

firemen, policemen, librarians, bankers, people working at stores, people working at the Y


What do you do if someone asks for your email address so they can get information to you about something?

If you know what the information is about and want it you can say yes. If you don't know what the information is about and don't want it say no.

If someone asks for a friend's email address that you have is it ok to give it out?

What should you do if you call 911 by mistake?

Don't hang up.  Tell the operator that there is no emergency and you made a mistake.


Walking at night can be more dangerous than walking during the day because it is dark out! How can you stay safe while walking at night?

Wear bring or reflective clothing, stay on the sidewalks and don't walk in the street, watch out for things that may be easy to trip over.

If you are lost in the community what can you do to make sure you are safe?
Find a safe space, ask someone for help.

Someone just came up to you and asked you for money, what do you do?

Say no / Say I'm sorry - no

Tell a story or example about when it is safe to share private information.
sharing passwords, money info, address, etc.

Where do you need to be when you call 911?

You need to be out of danger or 

You need to be in a safe place


Bikes have different safety risks than just walkers. Explain how either you as a biker stay safe or how you as a pedestrian walking on the sidewalk can stay safe with bikers around.

Remember that bikes are considered vehicles, ride your bike in the biker lane on the side of the road rather than the sidewalk to give room to walkers. If you must be on a sidewalk make sure to shout out to walkers as you come up behind them so they know you are there. As a walker always let the biker go first- if the hit you it will hurt! Be aware of bikers coming towards you.


What are two safe places near Englewood HS where you could ask for help?

*varied answers


If you are in the community and someone follows you while asking you for money and won't leave you alone what can you do?

Ask for help from staff, or a police officer. Go into a store or place you feel safe in.

How much information is it safe to share with friends?
Trick question! It depends on how close you are and how comfortable you feel sharing the information.

What is a GREAT thing about 911 service on cell phones?

You don't need to have phone service to call

You don't need to be in your own service area

You only need to have a charged phone.
