What is Community Service?

What is a volunteer or philanthropist?

Someone who donates their time, talent or treasures.


Need: The wind blew in a ton of trash around your local park.

What service could someone in our community provide?

Donate your time by gathering friends and family to have a park clean-up day.


You are good at organizing and cleaning.

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Help organize recycling in your home, help out at a local food bank organizing and sorting food, Volunteer to help clean a Senior Citizen's home


You have WAY too many toys that you never play with any more.

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Donate them to a shelter or 2nd hand store like, Savers.


To be a philanthropist you must donate money.

True or False



What age do you have to be to become a philanthropist?

a. 10 years or older

b. Any age!

c. 21 years or older

b. Any age!


Need: The local food bank is a disaster and donated food is starting to rot.

What service could someone in our community provide?

Donate your time to the food bank by helping them organize and clean out rotting food.


You are good at knitting!

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Knit scarves for the homeless, Knit hats or baby blankets for orphaned babies


There is a lot of vegetables growing in your garden, way more than you can eat!

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Donate them to the local food bank, offer them to an elderly neighbor 


Philanthropy can benefit the community you live in and/or other communities, countries, cultures. Your work as a philanthropist can better the entire world!

True or False



Name the three T's of philanthropy.

Talent, Treasure and Time


Need: Your neighbor is elderly and can't get around as easily as she used to.

What service could someone in our community provide?

Offer to mow her lawn, deliver groceries, take her dog on a walk.


You are an athlete and have played sports for many years.

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Share your talents and volunteer to coach kids!


You've outgrown your clothes but they're still in pretty good condition.

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Donate them to a shelter or 2nd hand store like, Savers.


What is a food bank?

a. a place you can get money in exchange for food

b. a place where food is donated to organizations that help feed hungry people in our community

c. a place by a river bank that has food

b. a place where food is donated to organizations that help feed hungry people in our community


What does the word philanthropy translate to?

a. fill a bucket with love

b. trophy for the most love

c. love of mankind

c. love of mankind


Need: The animal shelter is brimming with kittens.

What service could someone in our community provide?

Possible Ideas:

Offer to foster the kittens until they find homes or consider adopting one and of course, make sure your kittens are spayed or neutered so that the shelter doesn't receive any more kittens.


You are a talented artist!

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Volunteer to teach art to kids or seniors, Use the community's garbage to recycle into a beautiful work of art, Paint a mural to cover up destructive graffiti 


You have old towels your family doesn't use any more.

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Donate them to a local animal shelter, recycle them into something useful 


What is recycling?

a. to use again or to reuse waste material by converting it into something new

b. throwing everything in the trash 

c. flushing the toilet every time

a. to use again or to reuse waste material by converting it into something new


Name someone you know who is a philanthropist and tell us why they are a philanthropist.

Any reasonable answer will do!


Need: Our senior citizens at care facilities are lonely.

What service could someone in our community provide?

Possible Ideas: 

Write letters, make holiday decorations to cheer them up, coordinate a talent show or play.


You are talented in the kitchen and can put together wonderful meals!

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Make meals for Seniors, coordinate a meal for a fundraiser, create a bake sale to raise money for a good cause

You had a garage sale and made much more money than your family anticipated. 

What need could you fulfill in our community?

Possible Ideas:

Donate money to a local charity. Can you name one?


What is a Senior Citizen?

a. someone about to finish high school

b. your mom and dad!

c. someone over the age of about 65 - but age is just a number!

c. someone over the age of about 65 - but age is just a number!
