While at Work
Public Transport
In an Emergency

How do you apply to a job?

Depends on the job. Usually you either apply online or pick up an application at the business location. Attaching a resume can help your application to stand out to employers. 


Name three examples of public transportation?

Uber/Lyft, The Ride, bus, train, boat/ferry, airplane, taxi, etc.


What is volunteering?

When you offer your free time to work with a group or organization. Usually you can sign up for certain activities. All activities support some part of the community.


If there is a fire in your home, work or program, what should you do (in order)?

1. Evacuate the building, and go to the designated safe location.

2. Call 911 or the fire department.

3. Wait for the fire department, and do not re-enter the burning building for ANY REASON.


What should you always check before you go out and why?

Check the weather so you know the appropriate clothing to wear.


What are some coping skills you could use if you’re feeling stressed on the job?

Bathroom break, take deep breaths, talk to a friend/coworker at an appropriate time, listen to music if it’s allowed and not a distraction, use a stress ball, hum to yourself, etc.


What should you have with you before you leave for the train/bus station, airport, etc.?

Wallet (ID, money, passport); keys; luggage (if leaving for vacation or overnight); eyewear (with backup if necessary)


What are some local volunteer organizations?

Beverly Bootstraps, Haven From Hunger, Cape Ann Animal Aid, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, Saint Francis House, etc.


How do you treat minor burns?

Run under cool or lukewarm water (NEVER COLD) for 15-20 minutes. Depending on the degree you may need to wrap the burn. Applying topical ointment can help sooth. Make sure not to keep it wrapped too long because it needs air to heal.


What should you always have on you in case of an emergency?

Phone and Cash


What are some good tips for an interview? 

Dress appropriately (clean clothes, smart/business casual); bring in appropriate documents (resume, references, ID, etc.); keep good posture; act professionally (speak clearly, be calm, eye contact, don’t overshare); come with questions; avoid fillers “um, ah, so”


What are the 4 Boston subway lines?

Orange, Blue, Green, Red


If you cannot make it to a volunteer commitment last minute, what should you do?

Call/text/email the organization or contact person to let them know you’re no longer available. Reschedule when possible.


If you are in a car accident, what should you do?

Bonus! What if you witness a car accident?

If possible, pull over to the side of the road. If any vehicle in the accident sustains more than $1000 of damage, you must call 911 (even if no person is injured). Trade information with the other driver (license plate, ID, insurance & phone #).

If you witness an accident, stay on the scene. Call 911 if vehicular damage is extensive. If possible, make sure drivers/passengers are safe. Report what you saw to the police when they arrive.


What are the best ways to find deals?

Depends on the store, some examples are: flyers, sales rack, online deals, coupons (in newspapers and magazines), ask a sales associate, etc.


Your boss is getting frustrated with you because you are moving more slowly than your coworkers due to your disability. What should you do?

If you are comfortable, remind your boss that your disability may impact your speed, but you are still capable of performing your assigned task sufficiently. You can also talk to your job coach or HR representative for additional support. Their job is to advocate for you.


You are boarding the bus/train and you realize you don’t have your pass/money. What should you do?

Depends on the situation. If you are close to home, you can return to retrieve your wallet. If you are further from home you should call a trusted person to help you find a solution. Feel free to accept kindness from a stranger if they offer to pay your fare.


How do you know where to go when you have signed up to volunteer somewhere?

It depends on the organization where you are volunteering. Some will send an email confirmation with a location, some may have a contact person you can connect with. Once you go to the address, you may need to check in with someone inside to begin. 


What should you do if you realize you’re being followed?

Do not walk home! Go to the nearest public place (convenience store, grocery store, etc.) and speak to the store clerk. From there you can call the police station or 911 (depending on the urgency of the situation) and ask for an officer to come and take you home. 


What should you do if the security alarm goes off while you’re walking out of a store where you just purchased something?

You should check in with a sales associate, show them your receipt, and make sure all the security tags have been removed from items that you purchased.


Your coworker gets mad at you for making a small mistake, and in stead of patiently helping you correct the mistake they reprimand you loudly so that other people can hear. Then you hear them call you stupid under their breath. What should you do?

If you have the patience to do so, you can respectfully stand up for yourself in that situation. You can say (calmly) “I don’t appreciate being spoken to like that, and it doesn‘t help me to correct my mistakes.” You can also speak with your boss about the situation. If talking with your coworker or boss is not effective and harassment continues, reach out to HR.


When talking about the MA commuter rail, what does “inbound” and “outbound” mean?

Inbound means you’re going ‘into’ Boston, and outbound means you’re going ‘out of’ Boston.


What are some examples of activities you can do with family or friends to support a local organization?

Clothing drive, food drive, bake sale, making or collecting toys for an animal shelter, knitting hats for a homeless shelter, etc. For more info, go to the organization’s page and find out how else you can help


If you are a passenger in a moving vehicle, and the driver becomes unconscious what should you do?

Take control of the wheel, put the car in neutral, and turn on hazard lights. Slowly steer the car to the nearest emergency lane/stop or any clear area off the road if possible. Use E brake to stop the vehicle, then get out to assist the driver.


If you see a stranger shoplifting while you’re shopping, what should you do?

Don’t approach the shoplifter. You’re not obligated to report the situation if you are not an employee, but if you feel inclined you may calmly and quietly approach a sales or security associate to inform them.
