What is step 1?
Admit powerless over alcohol (drug)
SMART Recovery is based on this model.
Harm reduction
Face it together follow this model?
Harm reduction
List 3 types of recovery support.
Family members or friends in support of recovery, mentors, church, activities/organizations in support of recovery
What is an open vs closed meeting?
Open-anyone can come
Closed- Only those with an addiction can come
The program has how many points?
Building and maintaining motivation
coping with urges
managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors
living a balanced life
You would meet with this person if using face it together?
Recovery Coach
What is the Helpline number?
What is al-anon?
Meeting for family or loved ones for support
Self-management and recovery training
List two points recovery coaches help with?
-Get emotional support
-Develop effective strategies for behavior change
-Learn practical skills
-Translate goals
-Address barriers holding you back
What does NAMI do?
Mental health organization dedicated to creating better lives for individuals living with mental illness.
AA program is based on this?
Abstinence Based Program
Is this program 12 step based?
I can talk to a recovery coach this way?
In person, video and phone
NAMI stands for?
National alliance on mental illness
What year was AA founded and the first name of the founder?
1935, Bill
What type of therapy is SMART recovery based on?
Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT)
False, group sessions on Wednesdays
Most common reason for failed attempt at sobriety is what?
Keeping their addiction a secret and trying to go at it alone