Writing Process
Revision Process
Essay Process
Mixed Bag

Alyssa's writing teacher told her to brainstorm ideas for a new story, organize her ideas, and begin researching her topic. What term BEST describes this process?

A. previewing

B. thesis statement

C. proposal argument

D. pre-writing

D. pre-writing


Kylie is drafting the introduction to a proposal argument essay about global warming. What does Kylie MOST need to persuade the audience?

A. Global warming doesn't really matter.

B. Global warming is really a problem.

C. Global warming is a very minor issue.

D. Global warming is fake.

B. Global warming is really a problem.


Seth i revising some of the small details of his essay. He is trying to decide between describing a lack of activity as being "still," "relaxed," or "unmoving." What BEST describes the small details Seth is revising?

A. paragraph order

B. word choice

C. sentence structure

D. punctuation

B. word choice


Brandon's research paper needs to be supported by sources that are written by experts and published in peer-reviewed- journals. What term BEST describes these kinds of sources?

A. popular

B. unreliable

C. reliable

D. previewed

C. reliable


Cadence's teacher requires that her proposal argument takes a position that can be countered by someone else. What term BEST describes a position of this nature?

A. arguable

B. transitional

C. analytical

D. prolific

A arguable


Billy's article must begin with a one-sentence declaration of what the argument will be. What term BEST describes this declaration?

A. thesis statement

B. popular source

C. qualifications

D. graphic organizer

A. thesis statement


Jack is writing a proposal argument and is working on the section where he will lay out the plan of action and the solution to this problem. Just like the thesis statement, how is Jack's proposal BEST delivered to the reader?

A. clear and specific

B. unclear and general

C. humorous and comical

D. contentious and combative

A. clear and specific


Kendrick is working on revising his term paper and trying to examine his work based on the whole argument- that he presents. He- wants to make sure that his argument meets several key criteria that are required. Where is the BEST place he can look to find the measurements by which his argument will be judged?

A. the assignment sheet and rubric

B. a dictionary or glossary

C. the introductory paragraph

D. the research he did for his term paper

A. the assignment sheet and rubric


Ms. Johnson gives her English students a guide listing her specific criteria for grading or scoring papers, projects, or tests. This helps her students understand how she handles grading. What term BEST describes this guide?

A. portfolio

B. deadline

C. rubric

D. transition

C. rubric


Jane is evaluating whether the sentences she has constructed are grammatically correct. How are these kind of revisions BEST characterized?

A. source

B. structural

C. small detail

D. big detail

B. structural


Ty is in the beginning stages of writing a comprehensive essay for his Literature final. He really wants to make sure that the structure of his writing and his ideas are successfully executed in his essay. What is one of the BEST ways that Ty can ensure that his structure and ideas are sound in his essay?

A. He can create a detailed outline that organizes his ideas into the structure he'll be using in his draft.

B. He can create a comparison between two different things but not to use the words like or as.

C. He can conclude his essay with a statement that asserts his position and briefly outlines how he'll prove that position in his writing.

D. He can make sure that he continues to repeat an initial sound with various groups of words. 

A. He can create a detailed outline that organizes his ideas into the structure he'll be using in his draft.


Becca is working on writing a proposal argument, which means that she is suggesting that she has the answer to the problem that she is presenting. While she wants to always be respectful of her audience and their concerns, she also knows that it in order for her audience to believe in her argument, she must exude the proper tone. What tone will MOST likely be effective for Becca's proposal argument?

A. indifferent

B. confident

C. insecure

D. disillusioned

B. confident


Callie is working on an important essay for school and is at the step in her revision strategy where she needs to ask someone else to look at her work. She has decided to ask her dad because he understands what she's trying to accomplish and will be honest with her. How is this step of her revision strategy BEST described?

A. initial step

B. second step

C. third step

D. final step

C. third step


Tyler wrote the part of his proposal argument that consists of the thesis statement and main body topic sentences which form the backbone of the entire argument. What is the section MOST often called?

A. concluding structure

B. argumentative structure

C. introductory structure

D. inclusive structure

B. argumentative structure


Cheryl produces a large amount of blog posts on daily basis. What term BEST describes Finn as a writer?

A. arguable

B. micro

C. procrastinating

D. prolific

D. prolific


Many writing teachers refer to the finished product of any piece of writing as a "final draft." This demonstrates that writing is a ______, not a ______.

A. progression; craft

B. skill; hobby

C. craft; process

D. process; product

D. process; product


Tina is writing a proposal argument. She wants to give her readers everything they need, all of the reasoning and evidence, in order to win them over with her argument. What can Erin do with her topic sentence that will MOST likely help reach this outcome?

A. She can tell the audience the conclusion she wants them to have.

B. She can tell the reader how that evidence proves her point.

C. She can tell the audience the point she is going to make.

D. She can provide evidence and ideas to support her point. 

C. She can tell the audience the point she is going to make.


Kath used the spell-check feature on her word processing program to check her grammar. What is another method that is MOST likely to help Kathy find grammatical errors without a computer?

A. listen to her essay being read out-loud by a friend or computer program

B. try looking at her essay in a different brightness of light

C. use a magnifying glass to closely examine the essay

D. play music while she reads the essay to get in a different headspace 

A. listen to her essay being read out-loud by a friend or computer program


While working on her proposal argument essay. Cassidy has allowed her sources to become the loudest voice in her argument and make up the bulk of her entire essay with very little commentary from her own voice. In order to revise her paper so that she, the writer, retains more credibility than the source, what is the BEST action she can take?

A. She should eliminate everything from that source and find less comprehensive sources.

B. She should use the evidence as examples rather than using it as the bulk of her essay.

C. She should eliminate all sources from her proposal essay.

D. She should find a least 10 more sources to bulk up her argument.

B. She should use the evidence as examples rather than using it as the bulk of her essay.


Shane will sometimes state facts, ask questions, or provide quotes in her topic sentences or thesis statements. Why is this NOT likely to support her writing?

A. Because topic sentences and thesis statements should be arguable, and facts, quotes, and questions are not arguable.

B. Because topic sentences and thesis statements should always make the reader fell attacked and facts, quotes, and questions, don't do that.

C. Because topic sentences and thesis statements should tell a personal story about the author and facts, quotes, or questions don't do that.

D. Because topic sentences and thesis statements should very simply tell the reader the topic of your argument and absolutely nothing more. 

A. Because topic sentences and thesis statements should be arguable, and facts, quotes, and questions are not arguable.


Terry has gone through the big-ticket items, including the structure of his argument and how well he has made the point and supported it. What is MOST likely the next place in his paper to review and revise?

A. the concept of the paper

B. the organization of the paper

C. the structural details of the paper

D. the sentence level details of the paper 

D. the sentence level details of the paper


Kane received negative feedback from his teacher about his latest proposal argument. The teacher said he assumed that his audience will make the same inferences that he did as the author. What step did Kane MOST likely skip as he writing his proposal argument?

A. drawing an overall conclusion for the argument

B. introducing himself as a writer to the audience

C. providing evidence and ideas that support the writer's opinions

D. telling their audience how the evidence actually makes the writer's point

D. telling their audience how the evidence actually makes the writer's point


Joe's teacher suggested he should try reading his essay from the bottom up as he revises for grammatical errors on his own. What is the MOST likely reason this method would be helpful?

A. Reading an essay from the bottom up will confuse the reader so much that they will be more careful when reading it straight through.

B. Reading backwards allows the human brain to become an effcient grammatical detective.

C. Reading your own words in a different order will trick the brain into thinking the writing is brand new, making it easier to spot any problems.

D. Reading your own words in a different order will trick the brain into ignoring the content and being hyper-focused on punctuation. 

C. Reading your own words in a different order will trick the brain into thinking the writing is brand new, making it easier to spot any problems.


Sanjay is writing a proposal argument essay. He has found a problem and made it his own, carefully researched the issue, located reputable sources, and decided on a solution. He has spent days carefully crafting his argument and following the structure that he knows will present his ideas most clearly. He's considered how to address his audience and what hteir unique concers are. Danjay has written, drafted, and created. What MOST likely comes next for Sanjay in writing his proposal argument essay?

A. peer feedback

B. revision

C. final draft

D. submittal

B. revision


Ms. Smith taught her students to include one element in each essay that is clear, specific, and narrowed down to the topic covered just in the one paragraph it is attached to. What component of an essay- was Ms. Smith MOST likely referencing?

A. topic sentence

B. concluding thoughts

C. thesis statements

D. facts and evidence

A. topic sentence
