Who is Mrs. Lippett
The asylum director
Head Mistress
what sport did Jerusha start playing?
Where did Judy get the Princeton Banner?
She got it from Jimmy McBride.
What exam does Judy send to DLL? Why?
She sends her physiology because she wants to show her improvment.
What name did Jerusha change to?
Where did Jerusha stay for 17 years of her life?
John Grier Home
What does Daddy Long Legs send to her while she was in the infirmary?
What is Blue Wednesday? Why was it influential?
Blue Wednesday is the essay she wrote which is the first perfectly awful Wednesday. She talks about the struggle and daily life in the asylum which helped her get into college.
Who is Mr. John Smith?
The cover up name for the trustee who is taking Jerusha to College.
To whom is Mr. Jervis Pendleton related? Why was Judy surprised by him?
He is Julia Pendleton's uncle. He is kind and sweet, but on the other hand Julia is stuck up and rude.
Why are silk stockings mentioned many times in the story?
She repeats the silk stockings many times because Julia Pendleton wear them and she(Judy) was making a statement of wealthiness about wearing her own stockings.
What question(s) was Judy asking Mr. Smith's secretary for answers?
Explain the irony regarding Jervis Pendleton?
He used to own the Lock Willow Farm, before selling it to his childhood nurse, Mrs. Semple.
-Situational irony.
He sent her five gold pieces in which she bought a silver watch, Matthew Arnold's poems, a hot water bottle, a steamer rug, five hundred sheets of yellow manuscript paper, a dictionary of synonyms, and a pair of silk stockings.
Judy was given 5 gold pieces for Christmas. With those 5 gold pieces, she bought 7 different things. She bought a silver watch, Matthew Arnold's poems, a hot water bottle, a steamer rug, five hundred sheets of yellow manuscript paper, a dictionary of synonyms, and a pair of silk stockings. Why would this be heartbreaking to the reader?
Every single time she bought with what he have her she made up a family scenario where a certain family member bought her something for a specific reason. She finds comfort in doing this because it makes her feel as if she has people to love her as a family.
Where does Judy spend her Christmas? Why is it exciting for her?
She spent her time with at Sallie's house for Christmas. It was very exciting for her because she never has been in a private house before.