What is a democracy?
Government by the people
What is a Market Economy?
private citizens own the factors of production
What is individualism?
people should be free to make their own decisions with as little government interference in behavior or civil liberty as possible
Low taxes, few gvt regulations, overall mind ya business
How does an Authoritarian system divide power?
political system in which obedience to the ruler/govt. is strictly enforced
Compare/contrast civil rights and civil liberties
civil rights =
guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics.
Are given by the government to the people; meaning they can also be taken away by the government
Protect people from discrimination and ensure equal treatment under the law
civil liberties =
freedoms that are secured by placing restraints on government and other individuals
protected explicitly in the constitutions of most democratic countries
Protect individuals from government actions that infringe on their fundamental rights
These are more the natural and fundamental rights that are given to every human
What is autocracy?
One person or small group of people that may use force to stay in power
What is a Traditional Economy?
What is socialism?
economic equality (everyone earns the same wage) and government ownership of major means of production to reduce income equality
Still allowed private property but key industries are nationalized
What is a dictator?
exercises complete control of a state
police/military instrumental in maintaining power
What is a Theocracy?
"rule by God"; fusion of religion and politics into ideology; fusion of religion and the state
questioning state is akin to questioning God
How are monarchies different from personal rule?
Monarchies rely on hereditary succession of power through kin (usually male primogeniture)
personal rule relies on charisma and personality cult of the leader; no clear line of succession
What is a Command Economy?
govt. makes decisions on what, how, and for whom to produce
-Old Soviet Union, Cuba, China, North Korea are Examples
What is communism?
Create human equality through the elimination of private property and market forces
state owns all property and resources and allocates them as such
classless society where everyone is equal
What is Socialism?
The belief that factors of production should be owned by society, either directly or through government
What three types of ways do non-democratic regimes exert control over their populations?
coercion & surveillance; co-optation (corporatism & clientelism); and personality cults
What is a Monarchy?
king or queen who rules a country
What is the difference between privatization and marketization of the society/economy?
privatization = transfer of state-owned property into private ownership
marketization = transfer or recreation of market forces instead of the state dictating the market under command economy
What is postmaterialism?
What is Communism?
A system in which Karl Marx believed in a classless, ungoverned society in which property would be held in common
How are the two forms of political participation similar and different from one another?
Formal = voting in elections or referendums; contacting government officials; lobbying proposals, complaints, or concerns; joining interest groups or political parties; etc.
Informal = protests, civil disobedience, and political violence
What is an illiberal regime?
rule by an elected leadership through procedures of questionable democratic legitmacy
what is the vanguard of the proletariat?
small revolutionary group who seizes power “on behalf of the people” because the society within a state has not awoken from their "false consciousness" placed over by capitalism
What is a totalitarian state?
seeks to control and transform all aspects of the state, society, and economy often through violence
usually follows strong ideological goals (fascism, communism)
What is neoliberalism?
individualism + limiting gvt intervention especially in the economy; Reduce deficit spending, reduce gvt’s size, balance the budget
Describe coercion & surveillance; co-optation; and personality cult
coercion = public obedience enforced through violence and surveillance
co-optation = members of the public brought into beneficial relationships with the state and government
personality cult = public encouraged to obey leader based on his extraordinary qualities and compelling ideas