Contentious Politics
/ Regime change

Two or more armed groups, at least one of which is tied to the most recent regime in power, fight for control of the state; what is this?

Civil War


Repression breeds fear, which in turn breeds misinformation; the greater the repression, the greater "this." What is this?

Dictators’ Dilemma


This policy is about the management of the government budget to revive demand and stimulate the economy. What is this policy?

Fiscal policy


This theory contends that Poor countries will continue to produce only agricultural or raw materials; they will be exploited and forced to rely on the Global North. What is this theory?

Dependency Theory

Which country fits best for the liberal welfare state?

United States


Who are the targets of Terrorism by definition?

civilians or noncombatants


This type of authoritarian regime allows some sort of legislature and opposition parties to exist and participate in some form; they are more hybrid. What is this?

Electoral Authoritarianism


What does CME stand for?

Coordinated market economy


What does EOG stand for?


Export-oriented growth


In this social program, the individuals who qualify to fall below a specific income level get benefits. What is this?

ex)food stamps, subsidized housing

Means-Tested public assistance


This type of political violence accompanies the entire change of social structure; what is this?

Social Revolution 

ex) Communist China

■Political revolutions: fundamental transformation of an existing regime, instigated and primarily carried out by a social movement or armed group


What is NOT an element of Authoritarianism?

a. Weak rule of law

b. supreme leader

c. duverger's law

d. clientelism

c. duverger's law

■Clientelism: by becoming a client of a powerful patron, citizens gain access to resources, power or influence


What is the key element distinguishing capitalism from the market economy?


private property rights

(capitalism is a combination of a market economy and private property rights)


Which is TRUE about ISI?

a. good example of it is South Korea

b. the government picks winners and subsidizes new industries

c. it brought the middle-income poverty trap

d. the government protects new industries by placing restrictions (tariffs) on international trade

d. the government protects new industries by placing restrictions (tariffs) on international trade

*middle-income poverty trap: industries became inefficient; could not compete on the international market; put political pressures on gov.


This type of welfare state primarily emphasizes income stabilization to reduce market-induced insecurity. What type is this?

Christian democratic welfare state


What is NOT one of the causes of social movement?

a. relative deprivation

b. political opportunity structure

c. social and other digital media

d. values and emotions

c. social and other digital media

-> they are the strategies not the causes


To make sure of a democratic transition, one party must win the founding election, and then a different party must win a later election and replace the first party. What is this test?

Two-turnover test


Which of the following is NOT true about Keynesianism?

a. it emphasizes deficit spending

b. it says you need to increase the amount of money in circulation

c. it advocates increasing the interest rates

d. it brought stagflation in the 1970s

c. it advocates increasing the interest rates

(you need to lower the interest rates to stimulate the money circulation)

*stagflation: inflation + high unemployment rate


This scholar emphasizes that the primary goal of development should be freedom and the capabilities of individuals to lead a fulfilling life. Who is this scholar?

Amartya Sen


In this healthcare system, medical professionals gain their income directly from the government and it is a single-payer system. What is this?

National health system (NHS)

*Which country is the best example?


Name five different examples of specific social movements (not limited to the US).


Black Panther movement,
Black Lives Matter movement,
me too movement,
Tea Party movement,
Climate action,
Arab spring,
Hijab movement (protest),
Occupy Wall Street


The Nigerian case demonstrates the potential to establish democracy in a poor country, as well as the severe problems that can arise when politics is based on "this."

The competition for office becomes all-consuming and often violent, undermining democratic norms of the “free and fair” choice of candidates.

What is this?


*Neopatrimonialism is a system of social hierarchy where patrons use state resources to secure the loyalty of clients in the general population. It is an informal patron–client relationship that can reach from very high up in state structures down to individuals in small villages.


This thesis explains that the distinctions among different models of capitalism will disappear as all governments are forced to conform to the logic of attracting global capital. More neoliberal policies. What is this thesis?

Convergence thesis


Which is NOT true about SAP (Structural Adjustment Program)?

a. it follows the neoliberal idea

b. it increased the employment rate

c. it advocates for privatizing government-owned businesses

d. you should eliminate barriers for trade

b. it increased the employment rate


Which is NOT true about social democratic welfare states?

a. they emphasize the corporatist system

b. they impose high rates of taxation

c. the Scandinavian countries are the examples

d. they seek universal entitlements

a. they emphasize the corporatist system
