What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile River is the longest.
What is the highest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest is the highest.
What is the largest country in the world by area?
Russia is the largest.
What is the most populated city in the world?
Tokyo is the most populated.
What is the most spoken language in the world?
English is the most spoken.
Which is deeper, the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean?
The Pacific Ocean is deeper.
Which is taller, Mount Kilimanjaro or Mount Elbrus?
Mount Kilimanjaro is taller.
Which is more populated, India or the United States?
India is more populated.
Which is bigger, New York City or London?
London is bigger.
Which is harder to learn, Chinese or Spanish?
Chinese is harder.
What is the widest river in the world?
The Amazon River is the widest.
What is the oldest mountain in the world?
The Barberton/Makhonjwa Mountains are the oldest.
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican is the smallest.
What is the oldest city in the world?
Damascus is the oldest.
Jericho could also be a correct answer.
What is the oldest written language in the world?
Sumerian is the oldest.
Which is larger, the Indian Ocean or the Arctic Ocean?
The Indian Ocean is larger.
Which mountain is colder, Denali or Mont Blanc?
Denali is colder.
Which country is richer, Qatar or Canada?
Qatar is richer.
Which is more expensive to live in, Paris or Berlin?
Paris is more expensive.
Which language has more native speakers, Hindi or Arabic?
Hindi has more native speakers.
What is the smallest ocean in the world?
The Arctic Ocean is the smallest.
What is the most dangerous mountain to climb in the world?
Annapurna is the most dangerous.
What is the coldest country in the world?
Antarctica is the coldest, though it's technically not a country; otherwise, Russia.
What is the sunniest city in the world?
Yuma, Arizona, is the sunniest.
What is the rarest language in the world?
Taushiro, spoken by only one person, is one of the rarest.
Lemerig, spoken by two people.