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In one sentence, describe a theme that both books have in common using a comparison word.

Both books share the theme of gender roles, this is shown by Stella and Nora being housewives and letting their husbands be in control.


Using Nora and Blanche, create a similarity sentence using the transition word "similarly"

Nora and Blanche are similar because they both 


Give 3 words when describing a similarity.

also, just like, likely, similarly


What are the TAG elements of a street car named desire

 A Street Car Nameed Desire,Tennessee Williams, Play


Compare the theme of "love and marriage" in both books with a similarity transition word.

In "A Streetcar Named Desire," love and marriage are shown as troubled and sometimes damaging, while in "A Doll's House," they're criticized for being based on societal expectations rather than real affection.


In one sentence, highlight a difference using the phrase "on the other hand" comparing Torvald and Stanley

Torvald is more focused on fitting in with society while on the other hand Stanley relies more on physical dominance


Give 3 words when describing a difference.

comparison, difference, but, however, on the other hand


What are the TAG elements of A Doll's House?

A Doll's House, Henrik Ibsen, Play


Describe in one sentence the similarity of the theme "gender roles" in both novels.

A Streetcar Named Desire" and "A Doll's House" explore the theme of gender roles by challenging traditional expectations placed on men and women in society.


Using Mitch and Mrs. Linde create a sentence using "likewise"

Mitch and Mrs. Linde both experience personal transformations corresponding to their new understanding of love and independence


Is the word "however" used for comparing or contrasting

however is typically used for comparing rather than contrasting. It suggests similarities or parallels between two or more things.


name three themes from a dolls house

Men and Masculinity, Reputation, Lies and Deceit, Money.


How do the authors in both works portray the theme of deceit differently?

In both "A Streetcar Named Desire" and "A Doll's House," deceit is a common theme; however, in "A Streetcar Named Desire," it's used to hide painful truths, while in "A Doll's House," it inspires characters to break free from societal expectations.


Using Krogstad and Mitch create a sentence using " on the contrary".

On the contrary, while Krogstad aims for revenge, Mitch struggles with disillusionment and lost opportunities


Is the word "corresponding" used for comparing or contrasting.

Corresponding" is typically used for comparing rather than contrasting. It suggests similarities or parallels between two or more things.


Name three symbols in a street car named desire.

Polka music, alcoholism, the streetcar, paper lantern and paper moon


Using the themes of societal expectations in both plays create a sentence that highlights a difference using the transition "but". 


In both "A Streetcar Named Desire" and "A Doll's House," societal expectations play a significant role in shaping characters' lives, but in "A Streetcar Named Desire" they often lead to conformity and suppression of individuality, in "A Doll's House" they ultimately drive Nora to seek independence and self-discovery.


Using Stella and Nora write an answer that emphasizes both a similarity and a difference using the word "similarly" and "however".

Stella and Nora both value family harmony, yet Stella stays in her unhealthy marriage and Nora breaks free to find herself


Explain the difference between compare and contrast using examples

Comparing focuses on finding similarities, like noting that both cats and dogs are pets, while contrasting emphasizes differences, such as cats being independent while dogs are more loyal.


What is the most impactful event in each novel? Explain.  

ASCND: Blanche getting sent to the asylum

ADH: Nora leaving the house 
