Clue Words
Clue Phrases

The word "like" means you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "The pencil was blue, like the ocean."

"like" means you are comparing - you are showing are two things are the same, or similar. 


"as well as" means that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "She did as well as her best friend on the math test."

"As well as" shows that you are comparing, or showing how two things are similar.


How are bananas and oranges alike?

They are both fruits; they are both healthy; etc.


How are bananas and celery different?

Bananas are a fruit, celery is a vegetable. One is yellow, one is green.


"too" means that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "She likes apples, too."

"Too" means that you are comparing, or showing how things are the same.


The word "but" means you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "She liked to read about soccer, but he likes to read about dinosaurs."

"But" means that you are contrasting, or showing how two things are different from each other.


"Rather than" shows that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "They decided to cook dinner at home, rather than eating at a restaurant."

"Rather than" shows that you are contrasting, or showing how things are different.


How are chairs and couches the same?

They are both furniture; they are both things you sit on; etc.


How are pencils and markers different?

You write with a pencil, you color / draw with a marker. Pencils only come in one color, markers come in many colors.

Compare ladybugs and flies.

hint: what does "compare" mean?

Ladybugs and flies both have wings and fly; they are both bugs; they are both small.

The word "however" means that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "Her socks were soaking wet, however her shirt was dry."

"However" means that you are contrasting, or showing how two things are different.


"Just like" shows that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "She has brown hair, just like her mom. 

"Just like" means that you are comparing, or showing how two things are similar. 


How are lunch and dinner the same?

They are both meals; they are both times that you eat; etc. 


How are dogs and cats different?

Dogs are bigger than cats (usually). Dogs bark, cats meow. 


Contrast winter and summer.

hint: what does contrast mean?

Winter is cold, summer is hot. During winter the days are shorter, during summer the days are longer.


"also" means that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "She also likes to play soccer."

"Also" means that you are comparing, or showing how two things are similar. 


"even though" shows that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "The table was cold, even though it was sunny outside."

"Even though" shows that you are contrasting, or showing how two things are different.


How are monkeys and lions the same?

They both live in the jungle; they both are animals; they both can live in a zoo.


How are the sun and the moon different?

The sun is out during the day, the moon is out at night. The sun is bright and hot, the moon is dark and cool. The sun is bigger than the moon.


Finish this sentence:

"Lakes and rivers both ________"

have fish; are bodies of water; etc.


"otherwise" means that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "Tickets can be bought in advance at a discount; otherwise they can be purchased at the door for full price."

"Otherwise" shows that you are contrasting two things, or showing how they are different.


"On the other hand" means that you are comparing or contrasting?

E.g., "John wants to play Uno; I, on the other hand, think we should play Dominos."  

"On the other hand" shows that you are contrasting, or showing how things are different.


How are summer and winter the same? 

They are both seasons.


How are lunch and dinner different?

You eat lunch at the middle of the day, and you eat dinner towards the end of the day. 


Compare AND contrast movies and books.

Movies and books both tell a story and have characters, a theme, and a plot.

Movies and books are two different mediums: movies are shown via film/sight and audio, and are something that you watch; books you either listen to or read. 
