Dog & Cat
How are a dog and a cat different?
Cake & Cupcake
How are a cake and a cupcake different?
Candy Land & Uno
How are Candy Land and Uno different?
Couch & Chair
How are a couch and a chair different?
Car & Bus
How are a car and a bus different?
Pig & Cow
How are a pig and a cow similar?
Sandwich & Pizza
How are a sandwich and a pizza similar?
Legos & Wood Blocks
How are Legos and wood blocks similar?
Sink & Washing Machine
How are a sink and washing machine similar?
Crayon & Pencil
How are a crayon and a pencil similar?
Bat & Bird
How are a bat and a bird different?
Soup & Cereal
How are soup and cereal similar?
Balloon & Bubble
How are a balloon and a bubble different?
Kitchen & Bathroom
How are a kitchen and a bathroom different?
Sneaker & Slipper
How are a sneaker and a slipper different?
How are a fly and a bee similar?
Popcorn & Chips
How are popcorn and chips similar?
Stuffed Animals & Puppets
How are stuffed animals and puppets similar?
Oven & Stove
How are an oven and a stove similar?
Bike & Car
How are a bike and a car similar?
Ocean Animals
Name 3 ocean animals and describe what they look like.
Games You Play
Name 3 games and describe what they look like or how you play them.
Name 3 kinds of furniture and describe what they look like.
Things You Use
Name 3 things you use everyday and describe what they look like.