Compare animals
Contrast animals
Compare Household
Contrast Household
Compare/Contrast Mixed

Give one reason a jellyfish and bee are alike.

They can both sting you.


Give one reason a bear and a rabbit are different.

one hibernates one doesn't/one big other small


Give one reason a table and a chair are alike.

They are both used to sit and eat a table.


Give one reason a bathroom and kitchen are different.

one used to eat other used to go to the bathroom/shower.


Give one reason a closet and a dresser are the same.

They both hold clothes.


Give two reasons a cow and a horse are alike.

They live at a farm, they are animals, they have four legs etc.


Give two reasons a giraffe and elephant are different.

One has a long neck/trunk other doesn't/one has spots and one is plain/ one is yellow/brown the other is gray.


Give two reasons an oven and a microwave are alike.

Both can bake/cook food, both used to make things hot, both found in the kitchen.


Give two reasons a chair and a couch are different.

One is used to sit one is used to lay down, one is short and one is long, a couch has 2-3 cushions and a chair only has 1.

Give two reasons a frog and a fish are different.

One can go in water and land one can only go in water. One hops and one swims.

Give two reasons a lion and tiger are alike.

They are cats/animals/live in the jungle.


Give two reasons a deer and a squirrel are different.

One climbs trees and one doesn't, one is big other small, one has a small tail other has long bushy tail etc.


Give two reasons a bed and a couch are alike.

Both in your house, both something used to lay/sleep on.


Give two reasons a oven and refrigerator are different.

One is hot and one is cold, one is used to cook food and one is not.


Give two reasons a TV and a computer are different.

One just used to watch and one used to look up information, one can be moved around (laptop) and a TV stays in one place. 


Give three reasons a zebra and a horse are alike.

They are both types of horses, both have hooves, both eat grass, etc.


Give three reasons a dog and a cat are different. 

One barks and one meows, one has small ears and one has long floppy ears, one is friendly one is independent etc.


Give three reasons a spoon and fork are alike.

Both used to eat, both utensils/silverware, both found in a kitchen.


Give three reasons a vacuum and a mop are different.

One is used to clean things when wet and one is used to clean things when dry. One has a motor/plugs into the wall and one doesn't. One can be used for carpet and one cannot.


Give three reasons a snake and a spider are the same.

Both can be pets or live outside, people might be afraid of both, both can eat bugs, both are animals.


Give three reasons a bird and a butterfly are alike.

Both have wings/fly, both around in spring/summer, both colorful etc.


Give three reasons a monkey and a sloth are different.

One is slow and one is fast, one makes noise and one doesn't, one has a long tail to hold onto branches and one doesn't, a sloth has long claws and a monkey doesn't.


Give three reasons a bathtub and a sink are alike.

Both are in the bathroom, both used to clean part of your body, both can be filled with water/have water.


Give three reasons a lamp and a fan are different.

One blows air and one gives light. One is used to help you see and one is used to keep you cool. One has fan blades and one has a lightbulb/lamp shade.


Give three reasons a bee and a ladybug are different.

One stings and one doesn't/different colors/one has spots and one has stripes.
