Comparing fractions with unlike denominators
Comparing fractions with unlike denominators
Ordering fractions from least to greatest
Ordering fractions from greatest to least
Ordering fractions
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. Find the common denominator. 2/4 1/2
What is 2/4 = 1/2
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. Find the common denominator. 2/3 5/6
What is 2/3 < 5/6
Order the fractions from least to greatest. Find the common denominator. 3/4, 1/4, 1/2
What is 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
Order the fractions from greatest to least. Find the common denominator. 1/6, 5/6, 9/12
What is 1/6, 9/12, 5/6
Order the fractions from greatest to least. Find the common denominator. 2/4, 8/8, 3/4
What is 8/8, 3/4, 2,4
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. Find the common denominator. 7/8 3/4
What is 7/8 > 3/4
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. Find the common denominator. 6/12 1/2
What is 6/12 = 1/2
Order the fractions from least to greatest. Find the common denominator. 3/6, 1/3, 5/6
What is 1/3, 3/6, 5/6
Order the fractions from greatest to least. Find the common denominator. 2/5, 10/10, 4/5
What is 10/10, 4/5, 2/5
Order the fractions from least to greatest. Find the common denominator. 2/3, 6/6, 1/3
What is 1/3, 2/3, 6/6
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. Find the common denominator. 5/6 3/12
What is 5/6 > 3/12
Compare the fractions using <, >, or =. Find the common denominator. 5/6 9/12
What is 5/6 > 9/12
Order the fractions from least to greatest. Find the common denominator. 1/6, 11/12, 5/6
What is 1/6, 5/6, 11/12
Order the fractions from greatest to least. Find the common denominator. 7/8, 4/4, 3/4
What is 4/4, 7/8, 3/4
Order the fractions from greatest to least. Find the common denominator. 3/8, 15/16, 7/8
What is 15/16, 7/8, 3/8

Each shape is 1 whole.  Shade the model

 to find the equivalent fraction.  

1/3 = ?/6

What is 2/6


There are 8 people having breakfast.  Each person wants 1/2 an omelet.  How

many whole omelets are needed.  use the models to show your answer.

What is 4 omelets


Shade the model.   Then divide the pieces to find the equivalent fraction.

4/2 = ?/8

What is 16/8


Shade the model.   Then divide the pieces to find the equivalent fraction.

2/3 = ?/6

What is 4/6

Shade the model.   Then divide the pieces to find the equivalent fraction.

1/4 = ?/8

What is 2/8


Jeff has three boxes that weigh 5/8, 1/8, and 3/8 pound.  Write the weights in order from least to greatest.

What is 1/8, 3/8, 5/8


The soccer team practices passing for 3/4 hour and shooting for 4/5 hour.  On which drill does the team spend less time?  Explain how you can use a model to find the answer.

What is Passing:  the model for 3/4 is shorter than the model for 4/5


Mark and Lisa are on the swim team.  mark swims 3/8 mile each day.  Lisa swims 5/8 mile each day.  Which statements are correct?  Mark all that apply.

1-Mark swims farther than Lisa each day

2- Lisa swims the same distance as Mark each day

3- Lisa swims less than 1 mile each day

4-Lisa swims farther than Mark each day

What is 

3- Lisa swims less than 1 mile each day

4-Lisa swims farther than Mark each day


Dylan, Max, and Mark are reading the same book for class.  Dylan read 3/4 of his book.  Max read 3/8 of his book and Mark read 3/6 of his book.  Who read the most and who read the least?

What is Max read the least and Dylan read the most.


Sarah ran 3/4 of a mile.  Jessica ran for an equal distance.  What is an equivalent fraction that describes how far Jessica rode?  Use models to show your work.

What is 3/4=6/8
