Life Events
Claims & Appeals
Employee Eligibility
Dependents & Verification
Soft Skills

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act is more commonly referred to as this.

What is COBRA?


The associate must fill this out to submit a claim.

What is a Claim Initiation Form?


This benefit class was eligible for medical benefits in 2021, but will not be in 2022.

What is part time?


Newly added dependent coverage will do this until appropriate documentation is received.

What is pend?


The key points to keep in mind, when delivering unfavorable information, listed in the sharepoint link are: 

Be Honest and Empathetic > Be Direct > Listen for Response > ___(and what)___. 

What is End on a High Note?


This document is a court order signed by a judge to provide health coverage for children through a group health plan.

What is QMCSO?


Associates should allow this long to resolve standard claims.

What is up to 30 days? 


If an associate's hours are reduced by this much, they can waive out of all their employee-paid benefits by calling us to have an agent process the Reduction in Hours Life Event on their behalf. 

What is 20%?


For adult dependents who do not have a Social Security Number at all (are not yet US citizens, for example), they must fill out this form.

What is an Expatriate Affidavit? 


Building this with your caller makes it easier to deliver non favorable information.

What is rapport?


Under this circumstance, we should advise if something will or will not be approved.

What is under no circumstances?


In this situation, there is no claim necessary.

What is when the associate claims one of our agents made a mistake in processing their enrollment?


__________ are responsible for reviewing their associates' time statuses. 

What is Managers?


If an associate submits a Marriage Certificate, but cannot find their federal tax return, confirming their spouse as a dependent, they have this many other options to submit along with the marriage certificate.

What is four?


We should avoid this word, when making our 'I Can' statement in the beginning of our calls and instead be specific.

What is 'that'?


For Gain or Loss type Life Events, the documentation must specify these two things.

What are the types of coverage gained/lost and the effective date?


Changes outside of life events, status changes, or annual enrollment are rare, and exceptions are this.

What is not often granted?


If an associate works this many hours, or more, they are considered full time, but if they work less hours than this, they are considered part time.

What is 30?


If a dependent is only added to Child Life, this is not required.

What is documentation?


When delivering unfavorable information, what are three tips Mike shared these three tips, today.

What is be direct, explain why, provide options for possible resolution? 


__________ ending COBRA coverage does not qualify as a 'loss of other coverage' Life Event, however, __________ COBRA coverage does.

What are voluntarily ending and exhausting?


All standard cases (that do not apply to an claim and/or appeal) have this turnaround time.

What is they do not have a standard turnaround time for case resolution?


Salaried New Hires can enroll in benefits until _____  days after their hire date, while Hourly New Hires can enroll until ____ days after their hire date.

What is 45 and 90?


In order for an associate to cover their grandchildren as dependents, they would need what?

What is official documentation that shows they are the legal guardian and that the state recognizes the associate as having legal custody of the grandchild? 


__________ is feeling pity and sorry for someone else's misfortune, while _________ is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. 

What is sympathy and empathy?
