Perspective Taking
Showing Kindness

What is compassion?

Caring when others are hurt, sad, or in need. When we show compassion to others, we are showing them kindness.


What was the problem in the book The Sandwich Swap?

Different opinions on their lunches - hummus vs. peanut butter and jelly. 

They first didn't accept their differences.


How would you feel if someone said your clothes were dirty?

embarrassed, upset, sad, ashamed, mad, angry


What could you say to show compassion? Your friend was embarrassed when he or she made a mistake.

It is okay, we all make mistakes. I know how you feel, I made a mistake the other day. Remember, we learn from our mistakes. 


What does sympathy mean?

When you understand another person's feelings because you can see they are sad or upset or scared. You can have sympathy for someone even if you have never had their same experiences.


True or False

Listening to each other, listening to other's ideas, and their ways of thinking are part of perspective taking.



Name something that we learned in our Open Circle Meetings?

Group Plan

Perspective Taking





What could you say to show compassion? Your classmate forgot to bring in book fair money.

I'm sorry that you forgot your book fair money. You can add: Maybe you can come back for the book fair after school during conferences. I also forgot my money.


What does empathy mean?

When you understand another person's feelings because you have had the same or similar experience. You can feel what someone is feeling because you have been there.


What do you learn when you take another person's perspective?

Allows us to consider more than one way of understanding a behavior, event or situation.


What does it mean to follow the group plan?

Thinking of others and considering others ideas, not just our own ideas "me plan".


How can you show compassion to an elderly person in your life? .

Help that person carry their groceries. Pick up something that is on the ground. Bring them something they need. Feed their pet.


What are the 2 PATHS to Compassion?

Sympathy and Empathy


What were the 2 perspectives in the Tale of Two Beasts?

The girl thought she was rescuing the beast. 

The beast thought that he was captured by the girl.


How would you feel if you had a sister or brother that others made fun of.

angry, mad, upset, sad, embarrassed


What could you say to show compassion? The students on the bus were screaming and your bus driver was visibly upset

I am sorry that no one is listening on the bus. 

I hope tomorrow is quieter for you.


With your teammates, create a skit where you show compassion. Create the situation, something happened to 1 or more of your teammates, how are the other teammates going to show compassion?

All different response - review.


What does it mean to take the perspective of others?

Understand how someone might be thinking or feeling in a given situation.


You are working in a group. You decide on the poster the group will make, the colors that will be used and who is doing what part. Is your plan a "group plan" or a "me plan"? How do you know?

"Me Plan"


What could you say to show compassion? Your friend was nervous to read in front of the whole class and started stuttering. Everyone started to laugh.

Stop laughing! We'd all be nervous too. Take a deep breath! I know you can do it! I'd have a hard time reading in front of everyone too. I know it's hard to get in front of a big group.
