Which national park has mountains that are 13,000 feet and have dramatic sensory?
Grand Teton National Park
What is a carton?
A stable, interior portion of continent, usually very old crystalline rocks.
What does it mean when a Rock folds?
The bending of rock.
What is a fault?
Cracks or fractures in the Earth's surface, do to a displacement or movement.
Who has more Paleozoic rock showing, Yosemite National Park or Sequoia National Park?
What type of faulting does the Great Basin National Park have?
Normal Faulting
Is oceanic crust old rock or new rock?
Old Rock
What type of fold is in an arch shape?
What are the two old mining terms used to determine the levels?
Hanging Wall and Footwall
Which National Park is home to the tallest tree in the world?
Redwood National Park
What age of metamorphic rocks does the Joshua Tree National Park?
What are the three stages of major mountain building?
Stage 1 - Accumulation
Stage 2 - Orogenic
Stage 3 - Crustal Extension/ Block Faulting/ Uplift
What type of fold has one side of rock folded down?
What are the three types of faults?
Normal, Reverse or Thrust, Strike-slip
How deep is the Kings Canyon National Park?
5,000 feet deep
Which national park has the hottest, driest, and lowest land in the US?
Death Valley National Park
What occurs when continents collide?
Tectonic Accretion
What concentric patterns of rock in map view look and look like anticlines and synclines?
Domes and Basins
Which type of fault happens to make the foot wall became the same level as the hanging Wall?
Normal Faulting
How many square miles is Hot Springs National Park?
9 square miles
What is the Bad water Basin?
Groundwater that is from a spring that is so salty that salt deposits line.
What are four examples of Tectonic Accretion
California, Oregon, Washington, and Maine
What two types of folds push against the flat-lying sedimentary rocks?
Anticlines and Synclines
What is the difference between Reverse Faulting and Thrust Faulting?
Reverse Faulting is when the hanging wall gets pushed up relative to the foot wall. Thrust Faulting is close but the fault plane would be at a lower angle.
Which national park has precambrian crystalline rocks?
Blue Ridge Province