I love DME
Bits and Bobs
Medical Management
I'm getting clean

If a tub bench is stuck to the floor, how should you pick it up?

Pull up on the tab to release then lift


Can you leave the lift sling under the patient while they are showering?

It's best if you don't, but if it is safety issue, leave under and then discard after use


List 3 things you can do to manage BP during a shower

- Ab binder (2- one for during and after)

- compression socks (2- one for during and after)

- tilt in space chair

- water temperature

- med timing


What is a steri strip and can a patient shower with them on? If so, any considerations?

- Small white strips put over incisions

- A patient can shower with them

- No scrubbing or submerging


Name 3 things you would place a work order for in the bathroom and how do you place a work order?

- curtain, shower head, light, bariatric kick stand

- on Starport


How do you properly clean DME and when should you clean it?

Clean: 2 Wipes- one to cleanse and one to disinfect

When in the room: Before you relocate and after you are finished using the DME


If a patient has a helmet, should they shower with it on?

Yes and don't remove it unless cleared by the doc


How would you know if the patient is cleared to shower?

It should be in the orders, but if not, ask the doctor to put it in


Can you shower with a dialysis port? What about for fistulas?

No, never with a chest port. However, with a fistula check with the doctor about how recently it was placed. Newer fistula's need to be covered. 


Where are the natural hair care products located and what considerations do you have when washing natural hair?

- Above Whitney O's desk

- Asking for consent and having a plan for styling


Name 2 modifications that you can make to a tub bench

- raise/lower height

- change back rest so the arm rest is not a barrier

- remove arm rest


What's best practice for showering a patient who requires a TLSO OOB?

- Showering at the end of the day and hanging the brace to dry overnight

-Clarify with doctor if ok to remove while seated during shower


Can a patient shave on anticoagulants?

Yes, using an electric razor. Found above Mary Lynn's desk. No hard razors!


What lines can a patient shower with?

IV lines (not a PICC line), G-tube, Foley, NG tube, suprapubic catheter, oxygen (but 02 tank should stay out)


You are showering a patient with a Miami J collar and you need to get pads prior to your first shower. Where would you get these and how do you position the patient for a pad change?

Put an order in to hanger, they will drop them off in the room prior to the shower (at least a day ahead and make sure you have them before showering). Position the patient in supine.


Name 3 things to consider when positioning tub bench

- trunk control/ hemi side

- type and assist level for transfer

- environmental constraints 

- patient factors


Can you shower with a PMV on? What are the considerations for showering with trach patients?

Do not shower with a PMV, ok to shower with cap on so long as 02 has been stable. If not capping, keep water below nipple line and loosely place washcloth over trach. No water should be entering the airway


Your patient has dressings that you covered for the shower, what steps do you take post shower to prevent infection?

- Call nurse for dressing change

- Dry as appropriate and put down clean chuck pads

- Leave the area easily accessible for nursing


What is opsite and how do you properly apply it?

Opsite is a barrier wrap used to create a waterproof housing around anything you would need to prevent from getting wet.

Application: using gauze, apply over site to decrease risk of pulling then ensure opsite is completely over the area, can cut to fit


If your patient has a code brown in the shower, what steps should you take?

If loose, hose it down

If its solid, take it off the ground

Dont leave it! Call EVS to sanitize, but no blood or stool should be left behind.


What do you do with broken DME equipment?

Clean it, bring it to Rich, label the DME and send him an email


Can a patient shower with staples and does the location matter? Give an example!

It depends depending on the location!

ie for head staples, you can but no scrubbing/submerging based on doctor's orders

ie for residual limb staples they should be covered with opsite or bag it


At what cardiac MET level can a patient shower?

MET level 3- seated


What is this and can a patient shower with it?

It's a wound vac! Yes, you can shower if you coordinate with wound care first. The wound vac needs to stay outside of shower, the line can get wet. After the shower, nursing needs to check the wound and wound vac.


How do you give a chlorohexidine bath and when is it appropriate?

Appropriate IV, PICCs, dialysis patients

The RN is responsible for making sure it happens daily but can be done by OT. Use one cloth for each body part (each arm, neck, back/buttocks, each leg) totaling 6 wipes discarding each after use.  Should use gloves or have patient use gloves. Communicate with nursing if it has been done that day.
