The distance around the shape
What is perimeter?
Formula to find the area of a rectangle
What is length x width?
Add the lengths of all the outer sides to find this property for complex shapes.
What is perimeter?
Breaking down complex figures into simpler shapes helps find this property using addition.
What is area?
The area of a complex figure composed of a rectangle (2 units by 5 units) and two squares (2 unit by 2 unit) on top and side respectively.
What is 18 square units?
The amount inside a shape
What is area?
Formula to find the area of a triangle
What is base x height divided by 2?
The perimeter of a composite shape made up of a 6 unit square and a 3 unit by 4 unit rectangle sharing one side.
What is 22 units?
This term describes the combined area of two overlapping simple shapes.
What is the area of the composite figure?
A composite figure comprising a triangle atop a rectangle. If the rectangle’s area is 20 square units and the triangle has a base of 5 units and a height of 4 units, the total area is?
What is 30 square units?
The perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 5 units and width of 3 units.
What is 16 units?
The area of a right triangle with a base of 6 cm and a height of 4 cm.
What is 12 sq cm?
Calculate the perimeter of a figure composed of a 5 unit by 2 unit rectangle and a 2 unit by 2 unit square, sharing a 2 unit side.
What is 14 units?
The area of a ‘T’ shaped figure composed of two rectangles, one 4 units by 1 unit across the top and another 2 unit wide underneath the center of the top rectangle, extending vertically for 4 units.
What is 12 square units?
A ‘C’ shaped figure formed by removing a 2 unit by 2 unit square from a corner of a 4 unit square. Calculate the area.
What is 12 square units?
The area of a rectangle with a length of 8 units and width of 2 units.
What is 16 square units?
The perimeter of a triangle with sides measuring 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm.
What is 12 cm?
To find the perimeter of a shape comprising a rectangle and a semicircle with the same diameter as the rectangle’s length, you add half the circumference to?
What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
Given a figure made of a rectangle and a semicircle, calculate the total area if the rectangle measures 8 units by 4 units and the semicircle's diameter matches the rectangle's length.
What is 38.3 square units?
The area of a composite figure consisting of a circle with radius 3 units and a rectangle measuring 6 units by 3 units, placed below half of the circle.
What is 66.4 square units?
A shape formed by two rectangles side by side. The total perimeter is calculated by summing the perimeters of each rectangle then adjusting for shared sides. This process describes?
What is calculating perimeter?
Area of a composite figure consisting of a rectangle with dimensions 4 cm by 3 cm and a triangle on top with a base of 4 cm and a height of 2 cm.
What is 16 sq cm?
A comb-shaped figure made of four 2 cm by 1 cm rectangles connected side by side on a common 1 cm edge has this perimeter.
What is 14 cm?
Area of L-shaped figure composed of two rectangles: one measuring 8 cm by 3 cm and the adjacent one measuring 4 cm by 2 cm snuggled into the corner of the first.
What is 32 square cm?
Find the area of a hexagon divided into a compound of two equilateral triangles each with side 4 units and the area of each triangle is added together.
What is 13.9 square units?