Find the simple subject: Kannon likes the beach, and he often goes there.
Find the main verb: Tom rewrote his essay.
Split the sentence into two independent clauses: Jack needed help with his work, so he asked Mrs. Bennett.
Jack needed help with his work. He asked Mrs. Bennett.
Mia will attend a new school soon.
In a compound sentence, a coordinating conjunction always comes right after a ____________.
Find the simple subject: The student needed help with his homework, so he stayed after school.
Find the main verb: Zion fell off his seat during math.
Split the sentence into two independent clauses: I went to the mall, I had to buy a new backpack for school.
I went to the mall. I had to buy a new backpack for school.
Colton is going to the school play, but Noah will stay behind.
A _____________ is used with a comma to connect two independent clauses in a compound sentence.
coordinating conjunction
Find the complete subject: The old man walked his dog.
old man
Find the main verb: Sam walked quickly down the hallway.
Split the sentence into two independent clauses: She owned a car, but she didn't know how to drive it.
She owned a car. She didn't know how to drive it.
The young students walked to school.
An ___________ __________ is a group of words with a subject and predicate, that expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence.
independent clause
Find the complete subject: The young ballerina performed her routine perfectly.
young ballerina
Find the main verb: Ms. Harrison likes eating pizza.
Split the sentence into two independent clauses: Grayson can wait for us at the entrance, or he can go in and find us a seat.
Grayson can wait for us at the entrance. He can go in and find us a seat.
Last summer they had a pool membership, but this summer they didn't get one.
A _______ ________ is a sentence that has a two independent clauses.
compound sentence
Find the complete subject: The little red bird sat on the fence peacefully.
little red bird
Find the main verb: The squirrel dropped his acorns while crossing the street.
Split the sentence into two independent clauses: My grandmother always wins at card games, for she is an experienced card player.
My grandmother always wins at card games. She is an experienced card player.
Mrs. Garrard's family ate lunch at the park.
Another way to join together two independent clauses into a compound sentence is to use a _____________.