Identify what triggers own emotions.
Does this prompt belong under self-awareness (Yes or No)
Display grit, determination, or perseverance.
Does this skill belong under self-management (Yes or No)
Demonstrate capacity to make friends.
Does this prompt belong under social awareness (Yes or No)
No, this skill reflects relationship skills.
Provide help to those who need it.
Does this skill belong under relationship skills (Yes or No)
Make responsible decisions that affect the individual, school, and community.
Does this skill belong under responsible decision-making (Yes or No)
Identify own needs and values.
Does this prompt belong under self-awareness (Yes or No)
Use feedback constructively.
Does this skill belong under self-management (Yes or No)
Identify social cues (verbal, physical) to determine how others feel.
Does this skill belong under social awareness (Yes or No)
Prevent interpersonal conflict, but manage and resolve it when does occur.
Does this skill belong under relationship skills (Yes or No)
Identify problems when making decisions, and generate alternatives.
Does this skill belong under responsible decision-making (Yes or No)
Set plans and work toward goals.
Does this prompt belong under self-awareness (Yes or No)
No, this skill reflects self-management
Accurately recognize own strengths and limitations.
Does this prompt belong under self-management (Yes or No)
No, this skill reflects self-awareness
Appreciate diversity (recognize individual and group similarities and differences)
Does this skill belong under social awareness (Yes or No)
Manage and express emotions in relationships, respecting diverse viewpoints.
Does this skill belong under relationship skills (Yes or No)
Communicate effectively
Does this prompt belong under responsible decision-making (Yes or No)
No, this skill reflects relationship skills.
Overcome obstacles and create strategies for more long-term goals.
Does this prompt belong under self-awareness (Yes or No)
No, this skill reflects self-management
Regulate emotions such as impulses, aggression, and self-destructive behavior.
Does this skill belong under self-management (Yes or No)
Identify and use resources of family, school, and community
Does this skill belong under social awareness (Yes or No)
Evaluate own skills to communicate with others
Does this skill belong under relationship skills (Yes or No)
Become self-reflective and self-evaluative.
Does this skill belong under responsible decision-making (Yes or No)
Make decisions based on moral, personal, and ethical standards.
Does this prompt belong under self-awareness (Yes or No)
No, this prompt reflects responsible decision-making
Analyze emotions and how they affect others.
Does this prompt belong under self-management (Yes or No)
No, this skill reflects self-awareness
Provide help to those who need it
Does this prompt belong under social awareness (Yes or No)
No, this skill reflects relationship skills.
Resist inappropriate social pressures
Does this skill belong under relationship skills (Yes or No)
Reflect on how current choices affect one’s future.
Does this skill belong under responsible decision-making (Yes or No)