What does it mean to compromise?
You give something and someone else gives something. It is our ability to adjust our opinion in order to reach an agreement.
What is empathy?
The ability to understand how someone else might be feeling and feel it with them.
What are social skills?
Social skills are the ways people control their words and actions to get along better with others.
What is respect?
Caring enough to consider how words and actions impact others.
What is the name of the snowman in "Frozen"
True or false: Everyone is willing to compromise?
False. Not everyone will be willing to compromise. This can be frustrating and that's okay!
Can you guess why empathy is something we need to have in order to compromise?
Is compromise a social skill? Why or why not?
Yes. It helps us to avoid conflicts and arguments with others.
True or false: We can show respect to people, places, and things.
What is the name of the reindeer in "Frozen"?
True or false: Compromising is something you do in order to avoid conflict?
True. Compromising is a way to avoid conflict and arguments with others and help everyone to get a little bit of what they want.
Why is empathy important?
It helps you know how your actions affect others, what actions you need to take to be a good friend or teammate, and it helps you understand more about the people and the world around you.
Give some examples of good social skills.
Waiting your turn, Asking before you take or use something that belongs to someone else, Saying please and thank you, Waiting in line, Noticing how someone is feeling, Not interrupting, Leaving some personal space between you and someone else, Showing kindness when someone is having a bad day, Being excited with someone when they are having a good day, Helping your friend clean up the toys you used, Using words instead of hitting, pushing, Telling the truth, Respecting people’s differences, Considering how your actions impact other people
What are some ways to show respect?
Using kind or polite words even when you're upset, Using manners like sharing, waiting your turn, saying please and thank you, Accepting difference or at least disagreeing with kind words, Being careful not to damage places or things, Using a quiet voice or calm behavior in public places, Sharing resources, only taking what you really need
In the movie "Moana" (the first movie), what is the name of the character who helps Moana in her journey?
Give me an example of two kids compromising at lunch time when they are arguing over where to sit.
Any acceptable answer will do.
Give an example of empathy.
Any acceptable answer will do.
Give some examples of bad social skills.
Someone grabs someone else's toy without asking, Someone pushes others out of the way, Someone interrupts others' conversations, Someone cuts in line, Someone speaks too loudly in places that should be quiet, Someone leaves a mess or throws trash on the ground, Someone takes every treat and doesn't leave any for classmates, Someone hurts other people's feelings on purpose, Someone lies to get what they want, Someone excludes or teases someone because they're different, Someone doesn’t care how their actions impact the other people
Why is respect important?
In the movie, "Cinderella" what did the pumpkin turn in to?
A coach.
True are false: Compromising also helps us to learn self-control.
What are two ways that you can build empathy?
1. Practice putting yourself in someone else's situation. How would you feel if you lost your iPad?
2. Learn how to read facial expressions and body language in others.
What are some social skills you might need to improve? What social skills are you really good at?
In the movie, "The Beauty and the Beast", what is Belle's favorite hobby?
Reading books.