Appraisal can be defined as
The process of assessing or estimating attributes
In the social sciences, the accepted probability level is usually
.05 or less
Most ethical dilemmas are related to
The primary goal of _______ therapy is to find meaning in life
A 42-year-old woman returns to her career as an HR manager after her children start to attend school all day. This is an example of
A test battery is considered
a horizontal test
In a new study the clients do not know whether they are receiving an experimental treatment for depression or whether they are simply part of the control group. This is, nevertheless, known to the researcher thus this is a
Single blind study
A counselor reveals information of extremely damaging to a client’s reputation. This counselor could be accused of
Stress inoculation is a concept introduced by
Donald Meichenbaum
Jacob‘s father tells Jacob to clean his room. When Jacob asked why, his father responds because ”I said so”. The father‘s response is most representative of which parenting style
Face validity refers to the extent that a test
looks or appears to measure the intended attribute
Experimental is to cause-and-effect as correlation is to
Degree of relationship
Historically, speaking, the first psychology laboratory was set up by
William Wundt, in 1879, in Leipzig,Germany
Popular techniques of this approach are examination of clients memories, “spitting in the client soup” and “catching oneself”
During the working stage of the group, the leader’s role is to
Support risks
In constructing a test you notice that all 75 people correctly answered number 12. This gives you an item difficulty of
75/75= 1.0
When a distribution of scores is not distributed normally, statisticians call it
A skewed distribution
A counselor wants to discuss the treatment of a particular client with the clients physician ethically the counselor should:
have the client sign a release of information prior to contacting the physician
One of the main premises of ________ theory is that individuals choose occupations that will permit them to use their competencies
A(n) ________ schedule of reinforcement is the most difficult to extinguish
A word association test would be an example of
A projective test
A panel of investigators discovered that a researcher who completed a major study had unconsciously rated attractive females as better counselors this is an example of
The halo effect
The difference between confidentiality and privileged communication
Privilege communication is legal term and confidentiality is an ethical concept
Career choices as expressions of one’s personality are to _________ as career choices as influenced by genetic endowment, Environmental factors, and previous learning experiences are to _________.
Holland, Krumboltz
An intelligent quotient (IQ) is based on
Mental age/chronological age X 100