Private Information
What is something you do not give out online? Examples include your full name, where you live, your phone number.
asdf jkl;
What is home row?
The Clicking part
What is a mouse??
The web site we use to learn proper finger placement
What is Typing Club?
The black bar at the bottom of the screen
What is the taskbar?
Respect. Responsibility. Safety.
What is an example of good digital citizenship?
How you make an uppercase letter
What is the Shift key?
The screen
What is the Monitor??
We use it to create and type a Document
What is Word??
This can infect a computer
What is a computer virus??
Tell your parent/teacher/someone you trust
What do you do if something makes you uncomfortable online?
How you Indent a paragraph
What is the Tab key
What is a type of keyboard?
We use it to create Presentations
What is PowerPoint?
What is a strong password?
Hurting someone with mean words or posts, on purpose
What is cyberbullying?
How you type in ALL CAPS
What is the Cap Locks key?
Produces your document on paper
What is a printer?
Mrs. Cork uses it to post assignments and your classroom teacher hosts live classes
What is Teams??
Under the tabs. It has all of the buttons we need to change the font size, the font color, make something bold or underline it, etc
What is the Ribbon??
The trail of information you leave when you use online games or apps or visit web sites
What is a digital footprint?
What "WPM" stands for
What is Words Per Minute?
********Daily Double********
Worth 1000 points
What is Central Processing Unit?
We use it to create Spreadsheets
What is Excel?
The shortcuts (pictures) we click on to open Teams, Microsoft Edge, etc
What are Icons?