Computer Engineering Basics
Computer Engineering Careers
Life of a Computer Engineer
The Workload of Computer Engineers
Typical Workweek

This security measure controls access to a network by filtering packets entering or leaving the network.

What is a firewall?


This fundamental engineering discipline involves designing and developing computer hardware and software systems.

What is computer engineering?


What is a common degree requirement for becoming a computer engineer?

What is a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering or a related field?


This primary responsibility involves designing and implementing software solutions for various applications and systems.

What is software development?


What is the common number of hours a computer engineer works per week?

What is 40 hours?


This component is often referred to as the "brain" of the computer.

What is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?


Computer engineers may specialize in this area, which deals with the security of computers and networks from unauthorized access.

What is cybersecurity?


This type of work environment is typical for most computer engineers, where teamwork and innovation often thrive.

What is a technology company or a research and development lab?


Computer engineers often spend significant time on this task, which involves troubleshooting and debugging software to ensure it operates correctly.

What is testing and debugging?


This daily activity typically involves reviewing code, identifying bugs, and implementing solutions to improve software performance.

What is code review?


This high-level programming language is known for its simplicity and is often used for web development.

What is Python?


This type of software development focuses on creating operating systems, device drivers, and embedded systems.

What is systems programming?


The average starting salary for a computer engineer in the United States, according to recent data, typically falls within this range.

What is $70,000 to $90,000?


When collaborating with other teams, computer engineers often participate in these meetings to discuss project progress, requirements, and obstacles.

What are project meetings or stand-ups?


Computer engineers often participate in this collaborative process during their work week to gather requirements and discuss project specifications with team members and stakeholders.

What is a team meeting or stand-up meeting?


This type of memory is volatile and loses its contents when power is removed, commonly used for a computer's working memory.

What is RAM (Random Access Memory)?  


Computer engineers often work with these systems, which allow devices to communicate with one another over a network.

What are embedded systems?


The demand for these computer engineering specialists is rapidly growing, expected to increase by over 20% in the next decade.

What are cybersecurity specialists or software engineers?


This essential documentation process ensures that code and systems are well-documented for future reference, maintenance, and onboarding of new team members.

What is documentation?


During this phase of development, engineers focus on ensuring their software meets all requirements and performs as intended before it is released to users.

What is testing or quality assurance?


This type of memory is non-volatile and can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.

What is Flash memory?


his critical process in computer engineering helps in identifying software bugs and vulnerabilities, often utilizing techniques like unit testing and integration testing.

What is software testing?


This advanced educational credential is often pursued by computer engineers to enhance their project management and leadership skills.

What is a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering or an MBA?


This type of engineering collaboration involves communication between software and hardware teams to ensure optimal system integration.

What is cross-disciplinary collaboration?


In a typical workweek, computer engineers frequently engage in this practice that helps them stay current with new technologies and methodologies in the fast-paced tech industry.

What is professional development or continuing education?
