All of the following are materials and appliances used in preparing, mixing, presenting, decorating, and serving drinks except:
a. Blender
b. Pot
c. Tracing paper
d. None of these
None of these
How should you use the skin of vegetables and fruits left from making drinks?
a. Make skin lotion
b. Cover soil under a tree
c. Rub clean leather shoes
d. Make bio-fertilizers
Which of the following gives similar nutrition to fresh cow milk?
a. pumpkin juice
b. soymilk
c. GABA rice juice
d. lemongrass juice
Give one example of cereal drinks.
Answer may vary
Examples are GABA rice, soy milk, and corn drinks.
How do you solve the problem if herbal fruit drinks taste too sweet?
a. add lime juice
b. add boiled water
c. add salt
d. add diced fruit
This type of drink includes products from herbs such as mint, lemongrass, and ginger.
Vegetable and Fruit drinks
These types of drinks are produced from rice, dry beans, and corn.
cereal drinks
These types of drinks are produced from cow and goat milk.
dairy drinks
Why do you need to mix the drinks by yourself?
a. It saves money, is useful, and is safe.
b. It is easy to do and does not take too much time.
c. It tastes good with a sweet smell and nice color.
d. It does not need many appliances, and raw materials are easy to find.
Give one example of dairy drinks.
Answer may vary
Examples are powdered milk, flavored milk, yogurt, sterilized milk, and pasteurized milk.
Why is it important to arrange and decorate the house?
Answer may vary.
Measuring spoons
Meat Mallet
If you are going to embroider something, what design would it be? Why?
Answer may vary.
It is the step to analyze the recipes of drinks and to make a plan for the preparation, mixing, presentation, decoration, and service of drinks.
porcelain cup
What utensil suits and agrees with the principle of serving hot pumpkin juice?
a. Plastic cup with handle
b. Porcelain cup with handle and saucer
c. Small terra cotta jar
d. Clear steamed glass
It is the step of preparation, mixing, presentation, decoration, and service of drinks as planned.
It is the step to analyze the work to see whether there are any errors and what they are. This can be used as guidelines for improvement in the future.
Measuring cup for dried food
_________ refer to liquid food which can be either useful or harmful to human health depending mainly on the ingredients.